Charter 14: Request

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Chapter 14- "Request"

Pj uncrosses his legs and looks at me with his uncomfortable eyes. He sighs, loud. "Well, I um..." he trails off, filling his mouth with burning hot tea, but he didn't care that it burned his tongue, he just wrinkles up his face like nothing happened. "You'd rather burn your tongue then tell me what's happening?" I giggle, sending him the message and rolling my eyes. He gave an awkward smile and set the mug back down. "Okay, I'm just going to tell it like it is. "Uh, It's about Da-" "Is he okay?! Is he here?!" I text as fast as I could. "Um, about that. H-He, oh how do I put this;the Doctor told me Dan has a low chance of surviving...," he trailed off again. "Wh-Wha?" I type speechlessly. "He wants you to come see last time," he finishes and hugs me. I shrug him off and start to sob, looking at him with a sad, sloth face, he then starts to cry as well. Hours passed and I just sat there, staring into my tea. Pj left already, leaving me to have some time alone.

I walk into the kitchen and put my mug in the sink, staring out the window at Dan's abandoned car. I walk out the door and feel it with my fingers and see my reflection in the window. My eyes were puffy from crying, my clothes were wrinkled, and my hair was ruffled and tangled. I pull on the handle and it was unlocked, like usual and Dan's key was in the same place, I give a small smile and climb in. I slowly turn the keys that were already placed in the ignition,taking a deep breath. I peel out of the driveway and drive off to the Hospital. I hold the keys in my hand and see the picture Dan took just last month, I pinched myself so I wouldn't cry. I walk inside the door and see the smiling Receptionist who gave me the blanket when I was last here. I shyly wave to her and walk to Dan's room. I see Pj, Dan's family,Felix, and Marzia, huddling around Dan's bed. They all sadly look up at me and Dan's mum walks over, wrapping her arms around me. I do the same and everyone joins her. We all stand together and cry, for what seems like hours, because it most likely was. Dan's mum walked me over to Dan and pulled up a chair for me to sit on. I hold onto his hand and watch everyone pile out of the room, giving me space. "D-," I say, trying to make out his name. "D-A-N," I spell out, laying my head on his hand as my tears spill onto the hospital blanket, that was tucked all around him.

Doctor Mile walked in and patted me on the shoulder as I whimpered. He left me alone and so did everybody else. I'm trying to speak his name but all that comes out is a bunch of rambled words that I've been bottling up inside for months. I know he can't hear them but I want to, no, I need to believe that he can hear me and that he would wake up and realize how much I care for him.

A few hours have passed and I'm in the same position I was two hours ago. Everyone was peering through the small, door window, watching my every sad, depressing move. Everybody kept coming in and asking me if I need anything and I'd give them the same response; "No." All I need is Dan and if you can't give me him then I don't want anything else. No one really noticed that I started to speak again, and if they did they didn't want to say anything about it. Everyone started to leave, one by one until I was the only visitor left. The Doctor came in to get his stuff and saw that I was still sitting in the same spot.

"Son, you should probably go home and get some rest," He whispers.

"Yeah, you're right," I respond, slowly getting up and leaving the card that I drew in Dan's hand. I fold his fingers over it and walk out the door. I see Felix waiting in the waiting room and stands up when he sees me walking in the room.

"You waited for me?" I ask, walking over to him.

"Yeah of course! Marzias sleeping in the car," He whispers, smiling. I smile back as we walk out the front doors and I wave the Receptionist 'goodbye'. I drive off to the flat and I walk inside, seeing that I left two lights on. I climb into bed and close my eyes, knowing I wasn't going to get any sleep. It was the next morning and I was still exhausted as hell. I uncover my face from the blanket, staring up at the ceiling. "nnnn," I complain, as I reach for my phone to check the time. I see that I had two missed calls, both from Doctor Mile. I quickly dial his number and he picks up on the other line. "H-Hello," I stutter. "You should come down here," he says in a weird tone, hanging up before I could say anything else. I grab the keys off the hook and sprint to the car, getting in and speeding out of the driveway.

I run inside, not even paying attention to the lady at the front desk. I see Doctor Miles down the hall and I wave over to him. He held up his finger to the person he was talking to and walked over to me. I followed him into Dan's room and still see him laying there, silently. "I think that letter you left in his hand made him almost wake up yesterday, right when you left, so I was thinking, maybe you can talk to him for a little bit?" he says. I nod and sit down by Dan's side. Doctor Miles silently walks out of the room, leaving me some privacy. I grab his hand and stare at him in silence.

I think about what I'm going to say and say it. "Dan, this isn't a request this is an order, wake up, I know you can do it, your mind is stronger than your arms so wake up!" I violently shake him and feel his hand move. I pause, staring.

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