Chapter 4: Birth Of A New Relationship

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Chapter 4-"Birth Of A New Relationship"

"Then nothing, we'll go back to being best friends, like you said, we're giving this a try. No matter what happens, you'll still be my best friend,"

"Then, we're a couple," he says, taking me into his arms and pulling on my arms so I lay on top of him. He kisses my neck then my lips. We kiss what seems like forever and I take off his shirt and kiss his chest. He takes off my shirt and kisses my waist. "I don't want to rush into things," I say with a grin. "No problem" he says smirking. I cuddle up behind him and we fall asleep like that.

I wake him by stroking his pointy-like chin. He turned to me, rubbing his eyes and kissed my cheek. "So, what do we have planned for today?" I ask while he puts his shirt back on. "Well, we can be cheesy and go to the London Tower? Or we can be SO romantic and stay inside all day and play Halo?"

"Oooh, I like that idea, order a take-away pizza maybe?"

"Mmmm, yeah," and with that, he rolled off the couch, onto the floor, bringing me down with him.

"Should we record a new gaming video? We haven't seen Dil in a little over a week, and I'm sure the viewers miss him as well,"

"Mhmm, sure," he says, checking his phone.

I get up and walk into my room to change my dirty clothes. Dan walks in with no shame and comes up behind me and wraps his hands around my half-naked body. I pull my Nyan Cat shirt over his hands and feel him quickly take them away and put them on my hips. I grab my black skinny jeans and move away from his hands to put them on. "Oh god, you put that on your wall?" Dan asks, pointing to the fan made mask that's amazingly horrifying. "Haha, I like it, plus it has special value," I say. "They probably thought it was going to be this magnificent art piece but it turned into a terrifying mask so there just like 'hmm why not give it to Dan and Phil because I want to haunt there dreams'. Lord," He started to laugh and his eyes started to sparkle.

"I still think it's cool, even though it's probably the devil," I say, feeling it with my fingers.

"Not even the devil would be that scary,"


He snaps his fingers at me "That's my middle name

"I thought it was 'Danger',"

"That's my other middle name" He said winking.

"Totally," I say, playfully shoving him.

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