Chapter 11: Hospitalized

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Chapter 11- "Hospitalized'

"Would you please sign these papers and wait out here," the small lady said. I nod, looking down the hallway where they left with Dan. I took the papers and sat down on a chair next to a little girl holding a doll. I give her a small smile and started filling in the questions they asked me. I fill in the 'What is the patients name' box. I write my name in the last one and hand the papers on the clipboard back to the lady and sat back down. I get out my phone and started writing a tweet.

'Hey guys, you might not hear from us for awhile, something came up, no need to worry ! ^_^ ~Phil'

I press the 'tweet' button and locked it. I see the doctor walk into the waiting room. "Is there anyone you could call so you're not alone?" he says getting me some coffee. I nod as 'thank you', he hands me the cup. "Your welcome, I'll tell you when you can come see him," he smiles and walks away. I text Pj, asking him if he could come to the hospital for support. He responded.

'Yes of course! Be there in a few, I hope everything's okay!! )-:'

I smiled and responded.

'Me too )-: very worried'

I locked my phone and slid it into my pocket. I took a sip of my coffee, trying to distract myself from my feelings. I hear the sliding door open and Pj walks in with his denim jeans and beige button up. I give him a hug and point to a seat for him to sit down. "This is like the worse place to be alone," he looks at me with sad, puppy dog eyes. I nod, and lean on my hand. "Is it okay if I know what happened to him," he asks laying his hand on my leg. I type 'of course' into my phone and send it to him. I type in the story and also text that to him. I looked at him as tears streamed down his face. "Oh my God, how did this even happen?" he says, staring at me. I start to typing again. 'I wish I knew' I wrote, staring at the ground.

He pats my leg and gets up to get us both coffee. I smile as he hands me it. I take a sip, looking around at the depressing place. "Do you want to watch Anime with me?" he asks, knowing I'm trying not to think about Dan. I nod, scooting closer to him as he holds up his phone and clicks on the Netflix app. He clicks on 'Soul Eater' and continues episode 3 season 2.

I look over at sleeping Pj and check the time on my phone, It read: '2:49 AM'
I wonder if Dan's sleeping, I sigh and sink into the slightly uncomfortable chair. I look around at all the empty chairs and at the front desk woman who has to work night shifts. I watch as she walks over to me. "Would you and your friend like a blanket?" she whispers. I nod and show her the

'Thank you'

note I wrote earlier. "Sure! no problem," she smiles and goes to get the hospital blanket. She politely hands it to me and I spread it so it fits both of us. I finally drifted off to sleep but was awoken by the Doctor. "You can see him now," he smiles. "Just be very quiet, he hasn't yet woken up," I nod and wake up Pj. We walk back with the Doctor and I smile and wave to the lady that gave me the blanket last night and she waves back. The Doctor takes us into room 420 and I see Dan laying there on the white sheeted bed with an IV in his arm. We sit in chairs on the left side of Dan and I lay my hand in his. I was hoping it would be like a fairytale and he would wakeup if I planted a kiss on his cheek. I sighed and Pj stared at Dan's IV.

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