Chapter 8: Unlucky Car Ride

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Chapter 8- "Unlucky Car Ride"

And I see the same couple from earlier who called us 'Fag lords'. "I just want to go home," I say as Dan flips them off and practically runs a marathon just to get away from them, we stop to catch our breath. "We're not going home," Dan says in between breaths. "Oh, yes we are!" I exclaim, leaning against a building, heaving. "Nope, we are human beings who have rights, so we're going out for dinner," he says crossing his arms. "Fine," I mutter, rolling my eyes. "I'm gonna call up an Uber, just sit and breathe," he pulls out his phone and goes onto the app. "Could you be here in about 5 minutes?" He asks. "Okay good," He says the street we're on and hung up. He sits beside me and holds my hand. "You okay?" "Just fine," I look at my lap.

The Uber pulled up and he looked sketchy. I feel my palms start to sweat as I slide in next to Dan. "Where do you want to go?" the man asks with a sharp deep voice, sounding like he was in a metal band."West park avenue, sir," Dan says nervously. We wait patiently in the back seat, letting time pass by while we look out the window. The Uber driver drives right past the place we were heading. "Umm excuse me, you missed the place we wanted to go," I say, laughing nervously. "Little change of plans," the man says, looking back at us in the front view mirror. I look over at Dan who was silently freaking out. The man sped up faster, as if he was late to something. "Sir, please stop or I'll call the police," I say as I take out my phone. The man ignores us once again and continues to drive fast. I quickly dial 911 and began to speak, "hello, yes my friend and I are driving with this Uber driver and-," before I could finish my sentence, I was struck in the head with something. "Phil!" Dan yells."Phil are you alright?!" the man driving swings his arm back attempting to hit Dan as well. Dan quickly realizes what was in his hand. A gun. He grabs the man's hand and yanks it out. "Stop the car right now!" Dan screams. "Or what?! You gonna shoot!? Huh? Do it, I dare you," the man yells back. Before Dan could comprehend what he was doing, he swung the gun around and struck the man in the head, leaving him unconscious. Dan leaned forward and grabbed the steering wheel, to keep the car under control. After about 30 seconds the car came to a complete stop. Dan reached up and took the keys out of the ignition then put them down on the floor and picked Phil's phone up. "Hello? 911," a ladies voice came through the phone, "hello sir, is everything all right? Where are you at?" The lady seemed frantic. Dan quickly gave her the location we're at. "Stay on the phone with me until the police arrive and carry your friend out of the car, get as far away as you can," Dan set the phone down on the car seat and started to tap Phil. "Phil? Phil? Are you okay? Come on buddy?" I let out a groggy sound. "Come on Phil wake up we gotta get out of here here," I hear Dan say. "Damn it Phil," Dan anxiously grabs my arm and yanks me up and out of the car, then reaches back and puts my phone in his pocket. I begin to become conscious again. The nearest place we could see was a coffee shop so we ran to it. The woman was still on the phone, so Dan began to give her the details of the man and the car. "It was a man in a silver car, he was an Uber driver. I think I caught his drivers license, it was 6F56KL," I say, shaking.

The police begin to show up. The woman on the phone must have told them we were in here because one of them walked in and came towards us. "Are you two the ones in that car?" He says calmly. "Yes we are," Dan replies. "Well we've called an ambulance too, just to make sure you two are alright and he has been arrested," he said. "Thank god," I let out quietly. "Actually you two get a reward. We've been looking for this man for about 3 months now, and you guys found him. When you two are all checked by the paramedics you need to come down to the police station and collect your reward," the police man said. I couldn't tell if Dan was happy or confused by the look on his face.

~ 2 hours later ~

The paramedics finished checking us for wounds, I had a little bruise on my forehead, but they said it would go away soon. As for Dan, he was completely fine, maybe a little traumatized, but he'd be fine. One of the police men offered us a ride home, so we took it. Thank goodness he actually took us home. After we get back to our flat, I turn and face Dan. "You saved our asses and I did nothing," I say shyly, blushing slightly. I kiss him lightly on the cheek and we walk inside, but Dan pushes me out. "What are you doing?" I say confused. "Apparently we're just friends. That's what you told the operating lady," Dan says, sadly. "Dan, come on, believe me I was just caught up in the moment, we were in a scary situation!" I say loudly. "Really Phil? After all this time and you can't even call me your boyfriend?!" Dan yells back angrily, while slamming the door and locking it. "Dan come on, you're gonna be like this after all we've been through today?" I say. I begin to search for my key in my pocket, but I must have forgot it inside. "Ugh," I groan. "Let me in!" I call back. "Fuck no!," Dan yells, I can hear the sadness in his tone, I can tell that he's crying. I slide down the wall and sit, then begin to cry silently.

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