🧐 The Weight of Words [TGB Part 3] (Theory)

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(I SWEAR I am in the process of writing chapters OTHER THAN THEORIES! But I am absolutely loving the interactive esa of y'all replies! :D So until the next ❤️ or ☺️ get done you're getting these. I hope y'all don't mind. <3)


[You know the drill~
Songs for this chapter:

Innocently Annoying - Elysewood
The Other Side - Kade McCuen
Vices & Virtues - Reinaeiry]


Lumine opened her mouth wide and before Lyney could react, she bit down hard on his hand. He recoiled and shook his hand, trying to disperse the pain.

"XIA-" Lumine tried to scream for her loyal little Yaksha but Lyney covered her mouth again. This time with both hands.

"Do NOT call him!" Lyney said almost angrily threw grit teeth.

Lumine's eyes grew wide with shock. How did he know about Xiao? Does that mean Arlecchino knows? Do they other Harbingers know?

"Lumine..." Lyney was talking but Lumine's heart was pounding in her ears. Her mind was racing. She couldn't think. She couldn't hear him.

Lyney sighed heavily, putting his head by hers suddenly while still covering her mouth. It snapped Lumine out of it long enough to reach up and grab Lyney's hair. She pulled on it.

"Ow! Ow ow! Lumine let go!" He yelled as he continued to make silencing her his priority.

"MM!!!!!!" Lumine screamed angrily through his hand, now pulling his ear.

"Ow! ARCHONS, LUMINE LET GO!" Lyney yelled into her ear but she still wouldn't let go.

This went on for a few minutes before Lyney suddenly bit her neck so hard Lumine thought he might have drawn blood. She let go and screamed behind his hands, pulling her hands up and knicking the corner of his eye with her fingernail as she tried to pull him off.

He let out a yelp and raised up, one eye now closed as he pulled one hand off her mouth and grabbed the ribbon around her wrists and pressed them firmly into her stomach.

"Can you please just listen to me for a mo-... Are you blushing?" Lyney asked tilting his head like a fucking fucking child, a smug smirk forming on his lips.

This only caused her face to grow hotter under his hand as she narrowed her eyes at him.

I'm gonna fucking kill him! I am going to rip his hands off and shove them up his—

"No, okay that.. that's not what I'm..." Lyney sighed heavily and shook his head. "I'm sorry. I know you have no reason to trust me or even help me. But I need you to listen to me."

Lumine licked his hand suddenly, Lyney sighed as her looked down at her.

"I have a sister, Lumine. You know it's a standard to be okay with a tongue on your hand when you fight your siblings." Lyney shook his head gently before getting close to her face, a smirk forming on his lips yet again. "Unless you-"

Lumine's forehead collided with his as he got close. He yelped and grabbed his forehead. "AGH! I WAS JOKING!"

"You tried to fucking kill me! Why are you flirting with me!?" She yelled as she hit his chest hard enough to make him cough.

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