Hatred filled Nightmares- part 2

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A dread feeling is present with everyone who is not fighting Bête. They look at this entity, this disgusting and twisted version of Sans. Murder looks at this as he spoke out with his Animosity amplifying his voice.

"I know why your here, AND I AM NOT JOINING YOUR GANG SO CALLED TEAM VOID! Cause I know what your real intentions are."

This made Nightmare smiles in the outside, but in the inside, he is taken a back on how much he knows this, cause he just planning to trick him to joining through false promises and threats. He shook it off as he spoke out with his own calm and loud voice.

"It seems that I have underestimated you. No matter now, for I'll be the one to take you away myself, and you will be my puppet and slave for my endeavors of taking the Multiverse."

Murder balls up his fist as he remembers the Murder Time Trio and what they have done. He knows this organization called Team Void and what they're intentions are. Being honest about this, they really need to find a new name because he thinks it is cringe, or he just watch too much Pokémon when he, Cam, Robin, and Lily watch those shows together. Murder looks at Nightmare and ready his abilities if he needed it. He also readying his gun he builds if he needed it. Nightmare smiles at this as he spoke out.

"You honestly think that you can take me on? Hah, you will soon learn why people fear me, GlitchDust."

Murder noted the name as his scarf is moving and growing in response to his emotions. Murder looks at Nightmare with a dangerous look that actually flinch him surprisingly. Nightmare just shook it off as he is readying his tendrils to kill and torture Murder to Dust. Asriel and Chara who is with Murder seeing this all while Frisk in his ghost form seeing this as Asriel spoke out.

"Any weaknesses?"

Murder just sighs as he spoke out.

"None, and unless you're the embodiment of positive emotions, he cannot be harm by almost any known means. The best way is through force."

This made both Asriel, Chara, and Frisk frown at the fact that Nightmare cannot be killed by almost any known means. Although, Murder is more than enough to face him because his DT and Hate is making him powerful enough to face him head on, and the fact that Nightmare can't absorb Hate since if he did, the likely outcome will be before, since one time, he accidently entered to unknown dead AU which had the DT extractor pointing at him. That AU exploded and it is gone, although glad that is a dead AU which it also has no life beyond the stars. Murder looks at Nightmare with anger and intimidating look which made Nightmare steps back a bit.

 Murder looks at Nightmare with anger and intimidating look which made Nightmare steps back a bit

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This made Nightmare angry that the fact that Murder was able to scare him. Nightmare then shapeshift his hand into a giant hammer that is the size of the of a cargo ship and it is ready to slam it down at them. Murder response with one Gaster-Blaster which it fired at the 399.99 Meter hammer with the weight of 197,362 tons. it exploded into mass goo with the consistency of a Polycarbonate and iron. Nightmare then charge at them with a force of that of a bullet train with Murder rushing and tackling him with even greater speeds that even he himself didn't expect to do.

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