Chapter 1

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His fingers are still clenching on the glass he has been holding for the past five minutes. The liquid has adjusted itself to be room temperature despite the freezing cold hall they have rented for the event. Pulling the glass nearer, he finally gulps the orange juice down his throat. Feeling the water gusher down his throat, he wonders why the juice tasted bitter against his tongue and throat. Probably to reflect the feeling that is currently residing inside him—the feeling that he has felt ever since his father told him the shocking news.

He remembered his heart shattering upon hearing his father's cold words, almost too nonchalant over the fact that he was telling his own son that he was marrying another woman in less than two months at their dinner table. Unable to keep his composure, he blatantly spits his anger toward his father, telling him how sick he was for getting into another relationship, that he had disrespected his late wife, and how he had betrayed their little family, only to be silenced by a loud slap across his face. He swore he could still feel the sting on his cheeks to this day. The sharp pain had left him feeling shocked, resentful, and betrayed by his own father.

He closed his eyes, reminiscing over the emotional turmoil he had endured over the past few months and wondering if he could ever come to terms with his sudden shift to a new environment. Where he would have new family members at his ripe teenage age. He wondered how other children who had similar experiences would deal with all of this bullshit. Because Jay personally doesn't think that he can.

He suddenly felt a pat on his shoulder. He opened his eyes and gazed towards the guy who had been sitting to his left.

He knew that Sunghoon had been noticing his silence. Which isn't very surprising as he had been venting about family matters to his friends for months. At this point, all of his friends know his father as the jackass who can't keep his dick to himself, so he had to re-marry; his stepmother as the bitch who only marries his father for his money; and his stepbrother as an annoying brat he would rather not talk about at all.

He smiled flatly at the guy. Knowing that he only wanted to comfort him. He brings his gaze to the couple on the main stage. He doesn't remember the last time he saw his father smile like that. He tried to recall his memory. A sudden scene flashed in his mind. Probably when he had won his first medal in middle school. It's been that long, huh? He thought to himself. Another feeling of bitterness washes over him.

He switched his gaze towards the woman who was standing near his father and who had been smiling and laughing coyly beside him. He couldn't help but hate her. He hated that she had ruined his family, hated that she thought she could replace his mother, and most importantly, hated that she was the reason behind his father's beaming smile.

He continued to glare in her direction. He had secretly hoped that she would notice his glare in an attempt to make her uncomfortable, which unfortunately isn't working too well as the bride is too busy entertaining other matters.

Rolling his eyes, he decided to switch his gaze towards his friends, who are currently busy tearing down the wedding banquet. He looked at them in disgust.

" guys look like starving dogs."

"These are really good, Jay." Jay almost wished he hadn't said anything because now he had to witness his friend talking with his mouth full.

"Yeah, you should try some. Heeseung added.

"He probably doesn't have the appetite." He heard Jake laughing between his disgusting chews. Although his friend might be right about him not having the appetite, he is still surprised at how shameless his friends have been.

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