Chapter 2

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Ever since Sunoo and his mother moved into his house, life has not been so nice to him. Having to witness his father's loving gesture towards his new wife and stepson has made Jay's hatred towards the two people a lot more obvious and not easy to mask. He would make every effort to avoid any sort of interaction with any of them. From skipping dinners to bailing out of their family vacation plans, this has been a common tactic for Jay for the past few months in tolerating the new members of his family. It certainly helped a lot when his own father didn't really care about what he had been doing. He would always come home late after hanging out with his friends after school and even sometimes have a stay-over at his friend's house just to avoid breathing the same air as the two newcomers.
So much so that Jay almost felt bad towards Mrs. Kim. He knew she had been trying hard to win him over with her occasional "motherly" gesture towards him. But he couldn't find himself to reciprocate. Somehow, accepting such a gesture from her would mean betrayal—betrayal to his late mother, whom he had promised that no one would be able to replace. And hence his constant rejection of her act of service. 
Sunoo, on the other hand, had been easy to be a complete asshole to. Everything about the younger boy has been irritating and annoying, in Jay's opinion. From his constant sassy remarks to his annoying behavior, everything had made it way too easy for Jay to grow more hatred towards his stepbrother. It doesn't help that he had been noticing that his father had been doting on Sunoo so much that it almost felt like he was his real son instead of Jay. Seeing Sunoo being pampered by his own father made him extremely jealous of the younger boy, no matter how hard he tried to deny it. 
It had been so much worse that he had to vent about it to his friends every chance he got, in an attempt to release his pent-up anger towards Sunoo. Lord knows how much he hates the boy now compared to before. If it weren't for his own father, he would have taken the matter into his own hands. Sunoo would wish he would think twice before saying the most temper-inducing words just to rile him up. He swore the boy had been doing that shit on purpose, especially knowing that his father would back him up.

Which is why when his father told him that he would be going on a business trip alongside his stepmother for a whole week, Jay almost felt like God had been listening to his prayers all this time. Now Jay can actually retaliate through action rather than mere words to put Sunoo in his place. He would purposely smoke around Sunoo, knowing that the boy is sensitive to smell, colliding his shoulder every time they bumped into each other in the hallway, and practically do anything else just to get a reaction from the boy. It's not like he hasn't just been doing that all this while; it's just that now he actually has a chance to strike back in a much more aggressive way when the boy decides to take the bait.

For instance, when he made an excuse to search for his stuff in Sunoo's room, he would purposely make a mess while stinking up the room with his cigarette puffs.

"How long does it take to search for a fucking headset?" Sunoo asked, annoyed, covering his nose from the polluted air in his room.

"Shut the fuck up; I know it's here somewhere; it used to be my room after all." Jay made an excuse, knowing damn well he's searching for something that doesn't even exist.

"You're doing this on purpose, right?" He guessed right.

Jay stood up from where he was squatting, both hands cupping his waist, pretending to recollect his memory. Pulling himself away from the cupboard he had made sure to make a mess with, he turned around to face Sunoo's annoyed face.

"It's probably under there." He walked past Sunoo to approach under the latter's bed. Squatting back onto the ground, he started to dig into the stuff neatly stored under his old bed. Tossing away all the stuff across the room, he pretended to look for the item again under the bed, making sure Sunoo was witnessing his attempt to make a mess out of his room.

Clenching his jaw, Sunoo knows damn well that this is just one of Jay's tactics to piss him off. Which unfortunately is working extremely well because he is glaring right at Jay's head from behind. He looked around his room, which was previously tidy, and saw that it had turned into a complete mess with Jay's antics. Unable to control his temper anymore, Sunoo grabbed Jay's shoulder from behind and pulled him away from where he was squatting, tumbling the older boy onto the floor.

"Fucking stop it already! Look what you have done! You made my room a mess!" Sunoo's voice beemed inside his own room.

Jay reverted his gaze, and a small smirk formed at the corner of his lips. Surprised that it took Sunoo this long to stop him.

He immediately stood up from where he was sitting. He brought himself closer to Sunoo, invading his personal space and looming over the boy with a cigarette stick still hanging from his lips. He took a puff before he pushed Sunoo's shoulder with both of his palms, pushing him backwards until he hit the wall behind him.

"Touch me again like that, and I'll break your fucking fingers."

Getting up in Sunoo's face, he observed how fast the boy changed his facial expression, from anger to something he had never seen Sunoo display on his face. Fear. He could sense Sunoo's fear from the way he flinched under his gaze. Jay smiled in satisfaction, knowing that he had successfully cast a fear inside Sunoo. Jay can't help but feel his ego boost upon making Sunoo cower in fear at his slight threat. He should know not to be disrespectful towards the older boy, especially when he is the one who is causing all the trouble for his family.

Jay took this opportunity to grab Sunoo's hand to emphasize his point. Holding onto the smaller hand, he tightens his grip, causing a fair amount of pressure on the boy's hand, which had grabbed him earlier. He continued to threaten the boy.

"Or should I just do it now?"

This Is How A Park Show His Love. SunjayWhere stories live. Discover now