Chapter 6

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Jay, happy that Sunghoon wanted to stay for the night, suddenly became curious about why Sunghoon decided to stay when he just refused his offer. Just then, he heard Jake ask Sunghoon exactly what was on his mind.

"Huh? I thought you had to help your father with some shit?"

"Yeah, except that the plan that I have for tonight is a lot better than helping my father finish his carpentry work."

He walked out of the kitchen and slowly walking towards Jay, who had been standing in the living room.

"I'm going to show your little brother how to have some basic manners so that he won't dare raise his voice on us again."

Intrigued by his friend's idea, he waited for Sunghoon to elaborate on his plan.

Sunghoon eyed both Heeseung and Jake and gestured for them to come closer.

And so they gathered closely in the middle of the living room, listening to Sunghoon's plan to apparently 'teach Sunoo some lesson', whatever that be.


Sunoo stepped out of the steamy shower. Feeling refreshed after tidying his messy room. He purposely took a long bath, trying to ease himself from the irritation that he had felt all day. Partly due to Jay's behavior this morning, but mostly because apparently his jackass stepbrother had also decided to let his friends stay for the rest of the night, which Sunoo came to find out due to how noisy the living room still is when it's already so late. It looks like they're not going back home tonight. He grunted to himself while searching for his clothes. Wearing yet another oversized t-shirt and a pair of shorts, as Sunoo likes to go to bed comfortable and breezy.

Getting into a more comfortable position, he threw himself on the bed, lying flat on his stomach with both of his feet facing the ceiling. He grabbed his phone from the table beside his bed, planning to scroll on his phone until he felt drowsy enough to just fall asleep like that. Unfortunately for him, that plan doesn't seem to be happening tonight, as his door was suddenly barged in without warning, startling himself. He straightaway looked at the source of the noise, only to reveal Jay and his friends already standing at his doorway.

Scrunching his eyebrows, he lazily sat up on his bed.

"What now?" He asked bluntly.

"Oh, come on, is this how you treat your guests?"

The tall guy he had recognized earlier in the kitchen made his way to him. Sitting closely beside him, he stretched his long arm to wrap around Sunoo's shoulder, bringing his face closer to his neck. Sunoo felt the guy sniffing his nape before he heard him say.

"You smell nice." He can feel his stupid smirk on his neck.

Surprised by the guy's bold action, Sunoo quickly unwrapped himself from him and stood up beside the bed.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He rubbed his nape, suddenly feeling a little cautious. He shoots a glare towards the guy who was still sitting on his bed, who has been smirking and glancing at his friends. Then he heard Jay speak.

"Sunoo-ya, my friends have been very curious about you, so I thought why not let you guys have a little introductory session."

Sunoo stared blankly at Jay. Introductory session? What does he mean by that?

Jay continued without even bothering to explain himself.

"Trust me, being a brat won't help you right now, so it's best for you to be nice. You know, they can be a little rough."

Just then, he saw Jay stepping away from his friends, closing the door behind him, leaving him alone with his friends. But what made him break into a cold sweat was when he heard the sound of keys rattling just outside his door, indicating that his door was being locked from outside. Locking everyone inside the room, including himself. This was when Sunoo realized that Jay may have purposely tried to lock him in his room, for whatever reason. And he would guess that reason couldn't be a good one, would it? Why the hell would he lock the room if he wasn't making sure that he couldn't get away?

He jolted himself towards the door and tried to open it, but to no avail as Jay had successfully locked the door, leaving him with strangers in his room. Hand still gripping the handle, he refused to accept what Jay had done. What is he planning? Why is he locking him away with his friends? He turned around to face Jay's friends, who had been settling themselves in his bedroom. Soon after, one of them approached him.

"Come on, now that you've heard what he said, be nice to us, and we'll be nice to you too." He smirked as he stroked Sunoo's face.

This Is How A Park Show His Love. SunjayWhere stories live. Discover now