Chapter 8

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Sunoo watched Heeseung put the phone down in his own pocket. That's it. There goes his only chance to call for help. Sunoo can only hang his head low. Still unable to digest what's about to happen to him. He started to imagine all kinds of scenarios that he could think of in his current position. Are they actually going to rape him? But he's a boy, though? But that doesn't seem to stop Jake from assaulting him earlier. Sunoo is drowning in his own thoughts, secretly hoping they won't actually do what he thinks they will.

"B-but I'm a boy. You wouldn't like it." He started to desperately reason with the other guys, who had been staring at him intensely.

Sunghoon smirked as he approached him again.

"Maybe you're right." He shrugged. "Maybe we wouldn't like it after all."

"You see, that's why it's important to see what we have here first." Sunoo was suddenly jolted up as Sunghoon grabbed him by the collar to stand up again. Not letting go of his hands, he started to let his hands roam around his body. Sunoo closed his eyes tightly as he felt his body touched in weird places by the older guy. He felt Sunghoon's hands cupping and squeezing his chest and waist, sliding down his hands on Sunoo's back to his lower half. Stopping at his ass, Sunghoon squeezed his cheeks roughly, fondling them and spreading them through his shorts.

"It feels pretty nice here." He whispered in Sunoo's ear. He roughly turned Sunoo to face his friends and tilted his head to see them. He saw Jake already cupping his hardened dick and stroking it through his pants by the sight in front of him.

By his side, he saw Heeseung's blushing face as he tried very hard not to glance at the boy. He recalled Heeseung saying that he wouldn't do anything and that he was just going to be there to guard him. But look at this motherfucker, already turned on by the sight of this boy getting groped. Not going to do anything, my ass. Let's see how long he can control it, Sunghoon sneered to himself.

"Look at how horny you made them." He whispered in his ears. He grabbed Sunoo's hands, which had been stiff by his sides, bringing them closer to stroke his growing bulge. He glides Sunoo's fingers against his own clothed dick, rubbing it up and down against his jeans. "And look how hard you made me." He breathed against Sunoo.

Sunoo felt Sunghoon's throbbing dick despite his jeans. He tried to get away from Sunghoon but couldn't even budge as the older guy had been trapping him against his forearm. His attempts to yank Sunghoon's arm, which has been latched across his stomach, have been pretty useless. Sunghoon was too damn strong. Sunoo can only whine helplessly against Sunghoon's unwanted touch.

"P-please let me go." Sunoo finally begged. "I'd do anything you say. Please, just not this." Tears rolled down his cheeks as he begged for Sunghoon's sympathy. He'd do anything to get out of his situation right now. He'd beg on his knees if he had to. He'd even beg for Jay's forgiveness if they asked him to.

Sunghoon raised his eyebrows at Sunoo's sudden willingness to beg for their sympathy. Surprised at how soon the boy broke down by his action. Judging from his behavior this evening, he'd expect the boy to put up a bit of a fight before he resorts to letting go of his pride. He didn't expect the boy underneath him to be completely terrified. But then again, Sunghoon wasn't the one who was cowered by three bigger guys in his own bedroom with zero chance of escaping. In spite of everything, it's too late to back down now. It's no longer about teaching Sunoo his lesson; it's about the fact that Sunghoon can barely control himself right now.

Not even bothering to respond to Sunoo, he pushed Sunoo down to the floor. Sunoo's face hit the floor so hard that he cried in pain. Putting his whole body weight on top of Sunoo, he made sure to hold the boy down on the ground. Just as Sunoo tried to use both of his palms to get up, Sunghoon yelled for Heeseung and Jake to grab his hands. Sunoo once again stumbled on the floor, as both of his hands were now captured by the other two guys. With Sunghoon on top of him and his hands currently useless, he could only lie on the floor pathetically as he waited for their next action. Soon after, his shirt was ripped away, exposing his back, and his pants were immediately tucked down, exposing his ass to the cold breeze.

"Fuck, he's so sexy down here." Sunghoon complimented him as he cupped both of his hands onto Sunoo's cheeks. He fondled it again with his fingers, feeling the soft yet firm ass, amazed at how nice his ass was, especially paired with that slim waist.

"Your hole must be really cute." Sunghoon spread it out for everyone to see.

"The color here is quite pretty. Do you know that, Sunoo-ya?" He continued to caress the sensitive spot.

Sunoo squirmed underneath him, unable to withstand the humiliation Sunghoon had put him under. To be put in such a vulnerable position in front of the guys feels so shameful and humiliating that Sunoo's only wish at that moment is to just disappear.

This Is How A Park Show His Love. SunjayWhere stories live. Discover now