Vanessa likes music

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I turned off my camera, my body glistening with sweat; a half hour of striptease would do that to a gal. Today's show earned around two thousand dollars; pretty good, really. What'll I do with that money? Oh, I could think of a few things; but first, a shower.

After a loooong shower, I put on my pajamas. This is something not a lot of people know about me, but I don't always sleep in negligee or lingerie. Sometimes I like wearing my dorky pajamas, like this sweet and comfy pair of pajamas with pictures of Tiffany on them. Tiffany, in case you didn't know, was this teenage pop star from the late 80′s who did mall tours and stuff. Her best song is called "I think we're alone now," which is a cover of Tommy James and the Shondell's original song, which was released in '67. The original's pretty damn good, but honestly, Tiffany really made that song her own.

Oh dear, I've digressed! Honestly, you caught me; I'm a HUGE music geek! I listen to a bit of everything from every decade between the 1950′s to the 2020′s. My favorite bands? Oh my God, where do I START!? It'd be cheap to say The Beatles or The Rolling Stones, so I won't say that. Black Sabbath is good, as is Twisted Sister. Earth Wind and Fire, duh! And I love, love, LOVE Boyz II Men! Ah, but I'm also into the Indie stuff, like Bombay Bicycle Club, Metric, and Grouplove!

Oh shoot, I'm digressing again! Anyway, I'm wearing my pajamas now, and it's time for me to listen to some of my favorite songs on Spotify! As soon as I got on, I noticed Daisy was online, too! I had her on Google Chat, you see. I decided to try chatting her up...

Me: Hi hi! (Smiley emoticon) What's up?

Daisy: Hi, Vanessa; I'm good, you?

Me: Peachy! (Heart emoji)

Daisy: Awesome.

Me: How's Paige? (Smiley emoji)

Daisy: Asleep; we've had a looooong day today. Lots of customers bringing computers that were broken by stupidity. I legit had a dude that tried cooling off his computer by putting a BLOCK OF ICE under it!

Me: (Five laughing emojis)

Daisy: UUUGH! And poor Paige, she's the one who deals with the customers; I just fix the computers!

Me: (Frowning emoji)

Daisy: But we're getting through this; we're a team, her and me.

Me: Indeed you are! (Smiling emoji)

Daisy: Anyway, enough about Paige and me; what's new with you?

Me: Oh, not a lot; same ol' same ol'! (Giggling emoji)

Daisy: Anyone you've got your eye on?

Me: Mmmm maaaybe! (Grinning emoji)

Daisy: Who?

It's her, actually. Daisy's the one I've been thinking about a lot lately; I'm always so happy to hear from her, to talk to her, to see how she's doing. The best part about her is how easy she is to talk to; I often feel like she and I can talk about ANYTHING!

That said, I'd rather drink bleach than try and put the moves on Daisy, because that'd mean risking her and Paige breaking up. That's not something I'd ever want; I want them to be together. They're literally the perfect couple!

Me: It doesn't matter, anyway (Smiling emoji). I'm one hundred percent focused on my career now.

Daisy: Good idea, Vanessa. Hey, I'm feeling sleepy as heck; think I'll join Paige. TTYS!

Me: Byeee (Waving emoji)

She's such a sweetheart; I totally love her.

Ah! Time for me to spend some money! Let me just check my bank account; ahhhh, nothing like having seven figures in the bank! Nine if you count decimals! Let's head on down to Amazon and...

Oop, got some new emails to read! Let's see here; fan mail, fan mail, hate mail, hate mail, more hate mail...

I opened up one of my hate letters, just for amusement.


You are a *Censored* homewrecker! My husband and I were happy till YOU came along and sunk your nasty claws on him! I've lost my marriage thanks to you! I hope you *Censored* burn in Hell, where you belong!!!

I wish she'd be more specific; I've slept with LOTS of husbands. Wives, too. Considering how mad she is, it's likely I'm the one who approached her husband and put the moves on him. Whatever; he coulda said no, but he didn't, and somehow I'm the bad guy. Guess it's easier to blame the other woman than it is to blame the spouse. Ah well, no skin off my smooth, well rounded butt.

I put on my headphones, open up Spotify (Premium, of course), and head on down to Amazon for some online shopping! Three hours later, I close down Amazon because I didn't actually want to buy anything.

The Next Day...

I woke up sometime around eight AM. Now that I don't have scheduled work anymore (beyond my streams) my schedule has really opened up. I've gotta consider a new hobby now. I could try exercising, buuuuuut exercising by yourself isn't fun, and I can't go to the gym because Paige's hot buff friend kind of thinks I'm a home wrecking slut. And yeah, I am, but I don't see why that has to cause tensions between her and me. Though to be fair, I think she just never forgave me for trying to tear Daisy and Paige apart last year. I don't blame her for that, because I haven't forgiven myself either.

I decided to grab some breakfast at this diner I frequent. I sat at my usual table, waiting for my usual waitress (an overwheight lady named Betsy who is a total angel of a woman) to take my order.

"May I take your order?" Said a voice I didn't recognize. I looked up to see who it was; it was this GORGEOUS woman with platinum blonde hair tied up in a ponytail, blue eyes, milky white skin, and a toned physique standing at five foot eight more or less. The few lines of crow's feet around her eyes were the only sign that this woman was over thirty five. I looked at her name tag; Maggie.

"Um, where's Betsy?" I asked, looking around for my normal waitress.

"Oh, she retired," Maggie replied. "I take it you're Vanessa?"

"Uh, yeah," I said, blushing. "How'd you know?"

"Betsy told me you were her regular," Maggie said, smiling. "I'm Maggie, by the by. So, what can I getcha?"

I placed my order, and as she walked away, I caught myself staring at her. Jeeze, what's with me?

Geek on the Side!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें