Vanessa and Kevin

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Kevin had been driving in circles for ten minutes now, making absolutely sure that we weren't being followed. Once he was sure we were in the clear, he began driving to his parent's house.

"Hey," Kevin began. "Tell me a bit more about you?"

"Whatya want to know?" I asked as I looked out the car window. Was he trying to flirt with me?

"You and Paige used to work together, right?" He asked.

"We did," I said, hoping to God he wouldn't ask me about the time I tried to seduce Paige while she was with Daisy. "It was a good time for me, but she wasn't happy being there."

"I see," Kevin said, nodding.

"Do you like Paige?" I asked. "As your in-law, I mean."

"Yeah," he replied, looking glum. "It's the least I can do, you know."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I, uh, I kinda feel like I've let Paige down," Kevin replied, looking sad.

"How so?" I asked.

"Before she dated Daisy, Paige was dating this major jackass," he said. "The night I met her, she was laying on the ground, drunk off her head, and the bastard just left here there."

"She did tell me about that," I said, feeling sick to my stomach just thinking about it.

"Anyway, I was the one to find her," he said, looking pretty sad. "I couldn't do a damn thing; Daisy and Sam were the ones to help her."

"What could you have done?" I asked.

"I dunno," he said, sighing. "But I guess I never forgave myself for being so powerless. I think that's the reason why I'm trying so hard to help you. I don't want something bad to happen to you, Vanessa."

Oh no, we're being vulnerable with each other here. I'd really rather not catch feelings...

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I suddenly asked as I looked out the window.

"Well," he chuckled. "I, uh, I can't say I do."

"I find THAT hard to believe," I teased him, turning my gaze towards the kid.

"Well," he began, blushing a bit. "I did have a fling with Paige's sister, but I haven't heard from her in months. She, uh, has my Facebook but-"

"No messages?" I asked.

"She hasn't accepted my Friend Request," he admitted.

"Forget her," I said, feeling peeved. "PLENTY of fish in the sea!"

"Well, she used to be married," he said, frowning a bit. "But the dude was-"

"Look, I'll tell you this much," I said. "If a girl is interested, she'll move hell and high water for you. Even if she's passive, she'll reciprocate your advances if she's into you. But if she won't even accept a Friend Request on Facebook, then that means she's uninterested. Forget her and move on."

"Yeah, my friends all say the same thing," he said, looking glum. "I really liked her."

"I know you did," I said as I patted him on the shoulder. "But you're a catch, never forget that. Someday, you'll meet someone who'll like you back."

"Hopefully," he said as he drove up to this really nice house! It looked nicer than mine! "We're here."

We walked up to the entrance, where Kevin opened the front door with his key. I noticed the lights were on; his parents must have been waiting for him. I'll bet his parents are wonderful people.

The living room was just plain gorgeous! Black leather sofas surrounded a glass table, the TV was surrounded by trophy shelves, the walls were painted white; the décor was sparse yet relaxing. Whoever decorated this home has good taste! I looked over the trophies; a good chunk of them were Kevin's swimming trophies. I also noticed many pictures on the wall; Daisy wearing a toga and holding a diploma, Kevin wearing a toga and holding his high school diploma, Kevin apparently winning a competition, a serious looking man (whom I can assume is Kevin's dad) shaking hands with the GOVERNOR!? And right next to that picture is a photo of a blonde woman standing on a podium, apparently giving either a speech or a lecture. I noticed that same man and woman in a wedding picture, with Daisy right beside the bride! Wow, what a family...

I guessed the people in the wedding photo were Kevin's parents. The man looked serious, but the woman looked to be a bundle of joy. Right beside her, Daisy looked happy. This wedding photo was so different from the photos I normally see; I could literally feel the love emanating from it. And I think that's why I started crying...

"So my parent's are cool with you staying the night," said Kevin. "Woah, you OK?"

"You have a lovely family," I said without thinking. "I guess... it got to me, you know? You... you and your parents must get along great."

"Y-yeah," he said, offering me a handkerchief. God bless him.

"Not like me," I bitterly chuckled. "I LOATHE my parents. I actively avoid them whenever I can."

"Wow," he said, rubbing the back of his head. "Soooo, let me show you Daisy's room..."

He led me downstairs to the basement, where Daisy apparently used to live before she married Paige. I was shocked; the room was still clean, the bed was still made, and it feels like Daisy's parents are keeping it clean in case she ever comes back. I don't even know what my parents did to my old room, since I haven't been back home since I was eighteen.

The next day...

I guess I slept OK? It was seven in the morning; I got up precisely so I could have Kevin drive me back to his sister's place as soon as possible. AFTER he's had his breakfast, of course! Otherwise, I didn't want to intrude any further than I have already..

"Hey, Kevin?" I called out to him as I left Daisy's old room.

"We're in the kitchen!" Said the voice of who I assume is Kevin's mom. "How about you join us?"

"Oh, I don't want to be any trouble," I said as I entered the kitchen. Kevin was eating pancakes, his dad was reading a newspaper, and his mom was washing dishes.

"Nonsense!" Kevin's mom said as she turned around to face me, a smile on her face. But as soon as she looked at me, her smile disappeared, replaced by a look of horror. She gasped loudly, causing Kevin's dad to stop looking at his newspaper and check on his wife. When he turned to look at me, he had this look on his face, this look of pure, undiluted HATRED.

"Liliana," He growled.

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