Vanessa will be OK

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"Wow, I love it!" I exclaimed as Elaina handed me my latest outfit for cosplay: Lulua's outfit from Atelier Lulua. I borrowed the game from Daisy a while ago, and I MIGHT return it to her one day, if she asks for it. Hehehe, I'm a thieving little sister! Anyway, Lulua's outfit is so frilly and cutesy yet slightly flirty, with a color scheme that suggests both purity of the soul which hides a grandness of personality.

I've been getting into cosplay recently, and even started a cosplay page on Instagram. I've got three thousand followers already, and that number keeps increasing!

"I-I-I'm glad," Elaina said, biting her lip and smiling while holding her hands behind her back. "I m-m-made sure to get every detail j-j-just right!"

"You're such a dedicated worker!" I said as I hugged her, and she let out a little 'eep!' She's adorable, honestly!

"W-w-well, I have to be!" She stammered. "Y-y-y-you're so photogenic and all! I g-g-g-gotta be sure to get it perfect!"

"You're sweet," I said as I rubbed her cheek. I can't help but really like Elaina; she's such a sweetheart! I kinda suspect she MIGHT be crushing on me, though. Maybe...

I checked my watch; we're gonna be late for the Star Wars watch party! Elaina and me put all our props away and headed to Gatekeeper. She and I have our own little studio where I pose in the outfits she makes me. The studio is just a few blocks away from Gatekeeper, so we could head there on foot.

"Hey, everyone!" I said as Elaina and I entered Gatekeeper.

"Hey, Kiddo," Gabe said, grinning. "Good to have ya."

"Hey, girl," said Amy as she and Todd waved at me.

"Hey, Vanessa," said Sam. She and I are cool now. She also looked a bit bigger around the tummy area...OH MY GOD!

"No way," I said as I pointed to Sam's stomach. "Are you..."

 "Hehe, yeah... I am," Sam said bashfully, grinning.

Sam and Gabe kissed each other as he rubbed her tummy. WOW, A BABY!

"Good for you!" I said as we high fived.

"And we're the godparents!" Said Todd, beaming. "We got dibs!"

"What about my sister and sis-in-law?" I asked. "Daisy and Paige?"

"They'd be the godmothers of Todd's kids," said Gabe. "And me and Sam got dibs being godparents to any kid they get their hands on."

"Woah," I said, nodding.

Kids... I wonder if I'll ever be able to be in a relationship that will allow me to have some...

"Howdy ho, boys and girls!" Said Daisy as she and Paige entered Gatekeeper. They were closely followed by Jolie and Mike.

"Hey, Sis," I said as Daisy and me hugged.

"Hey, Nessie," she said. "You taking good care of yourself?"

"Yeah," I said. "We still on for dinner tonight? I kinda have something to give to Daddy."

"You know we are!" She replied. "Whatcha giving him?"

"A major surprise..." I said, butterflies in my stomach.

"Ohayoo, Van-San!" Said Jolie as she hugged me. I hugged her back. "I can't wait for your next cosplay, desu!"

"Well, what do you suggest?" I asked, knowing that Jolie has impeccable taste in video games and anime.

"Hmmm," she thought for a second, then said "Sailor Mars!"

"Sounds to me like some research is in order," I said. Elaina then took out her phone and showed me Sailor Mars. "Oh my God, that's so me!"

"Totally, Van!" Paige said as she gave me a thumbs up.

"Alright everyone!" Said Gabe. "It's showtime!"

"Nice!" I said. "Can you believe this is my first time watching Star Wars?"

"No way!" Said Daisy as she and Paige sat next to me and Elaina. "You're gonna love it!"

Much later that evening...

"Hi, Daddy!" I said as I hugged him. A delicious dinner was sprawled before us at the dining table; Sarah cooked. Normally she and I cook dinner together, but tonight she told me to leave dinner to her. She really is the mother I never had. "Sooo, I have something for you, but I'll give it to you once everyone is here, OK?"

"What is it, honey?" He asked, but I just grinned at him. Nope, not until EVERYONE is here!

Within the hour, everyone had arrived. Kevin, Daisy, Paige, Gabe, Sam, Todd, Jolie, Mike, and Amy were all here. We all sat at the table, like it was Thanksgiving.

"Thank you all for being here," said Dad, raising a glass. "First off, I wish to congratulate Gabe and Sam on their first baby."

We all clapped for them. Daisy, Paige, Jolie, and Todd clapped loudest.

"Now, Vanessa," said Dad. "What is it you wanted to give me?"

"I kinda feel bad about taking the spotlight away from Gabe and Sam," I said, feeling embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it," said Sam as she smiled at me. "Go on, give your dad what you wanted to give him!"

"Well," I gulped, taking out a folder. "I've been... running some errands lately... and the thing is... look, let me just speak from the heart."

I took a deep breath. All eyes were on me, and I'm tongue tied.

"Here," I said to Daddy as I gave him the folder. He opened it, and his eyes got all misty, his face in shock. Sarah peeked, and she too gasped.

"Vanessa," he said, gulping. "I... I don't know what to say."

"All I want is to show you all how much you mean to me," I said, the happiest tears I've ever shed running down my face. "I wanted to thank you all for being my family, even when you didn't have to. For a long time, I've felt unworthy of love. It's only with you guys that I finally know what love feels like."

Dad dropped the folder and hugged me. I could feel his tears falling on me.

"What does that folder say?" Asked Kevin as Sarah grabbed the folder.

"It says that, as of today," Sarah said. "Our Vanessa is no longer Vanessa Russo. She's Vanessa Derriwinkle."

"Because you guys," I said as I hugged Daddy. "You guys ARE my family, and I love you all very, very much."

And that's nothing but the truth.

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