Vanessa wants to try

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Daisy promised me that today she'd meet me at this store called Gatekeeper to introduce me to her friend who knows all about cosplay. What she doesn't know is that I spent the whole night (outside my stream) studying cosplay, it's ups and downs, the little nuances, and even the big names in the game! And what did I learn about cosplay?

Well, I mostly learned that the most popular cosplayers all have big boobs that they show off as often as possible. Also most of those big bazongas are fake, and the reason I know they're fake is because they're very solid and rigid, whilst natural titties are actually softer and squishier. MY titties are natural, though; no silicone in me!

I checked my watch; it was time for me to drive on down to Amberville to meet up with Daisy! I eagerly got in my car ( a 2018 Bentley colored cherry red) and drove down to Gatekeeper. When I got there, I was somewhat surprised to see Paige was there, too. A WELCOME surprise, mind you!

"Hey, Paige," I said, waving at her. "What's up?"

"Well, when Daisy told me last night that you were getting into cosplay, I was quite surprised!" She replied. "And when she told me that you'd be coming down here to learn more about cosplay, I just HAD to come down and see it for myself!"

"I see," I said, feeling a bit silly. After all, this whole shebang started because I wore a good outfit to the movies, and people called it a cosplay!

"Hey, Daisy, mind if me and Van take a minute to talk?" Asked Paige. Daisy nodded and headed inside the store, though I noticed she hesitated for a tenth of a second. Paige then turned to me and asked "Soooo, why DID you cosplay Tifa yesterday?"

"Uhhhh," I gulped. Truth time. "Thing is... I got your text yesterday, and I kinda misinterpreted it, and so I slapped on my mini skirt and tank top together... You know..."

"I figured," she said, shaking her head. "You just can't resist dressing to impress, can ya? I shoulda been clearer, though; these movies tend to be frequented by geeky guys. These guys can be a bit, well, horny and desperate."

"Oh, honey," I shook my head as I played with her hair. "MOST men are horny and desperate! It's all about knowing how to manipulate that to get what you want!"

"Uh," she began to back away from me, a stern look on her face. "I, uh... I'm not one to do that, you know. Least of all these days, what with me being married and all."

"I guess I understand," I said, chuckling a bit. Then I got serious. "Why didn't you want me to let Daisy know?"

"Oh, that?" She scratched the back of her neck. "She, uh, actually said that NOBODY would think of wearing anything attention grabbing to a Godzilla movie, and I, uh, kinda told her that you always dress up to bring attention to yourself. I dunno, it was a moment of idiocy for me."

"It's fine," I lied. It really wasn't; I just think that Paige didn't want me to dress provocatively. Maybe she's still scared that I'd seduce Daisy away from her. AS IF I'D DO THAT!!!

Paige looked back into the store, this look on her face that practically screamed "I'm keeping a bit of the truth hidden away." She then sighed and rubbed her temple.

"And honestly, Van, I guess a part of me is still insecure," she said, FINALLY saying what I knew all along! "I mean, you're so... you know..."

I had a serious look on my face, letting Paige know she is NOT gonna get away with not telling me the whole truth!

"You're so pretty, and hot, and sexy, and," she sighed. "And sometimes I think you like Daisy way more than just a friend, and I KNOW that's just my jealousy and insecurity talking, but-"

"How're your therapy sessions going?" I interrupted. "Are you still seeing that therapist?"

"Yeah, Dr. Martin's great," she replied. "But I guess it's still a long road ahead, huh?"

"One step at a time, sweetie," I said as I gave her a pat on the head. I like Paige and all, but I really wish she'd work on that jealousy.

So we FINALLY entered the shop; it's so geeky! There's little figurines on the shelves of cartoon characters, there's posters of cartoon girls with big titties (OBVIOUSLY designed by men who lack women in their lives) on the wall, there are tables strewn around, and the counter has a wide selection of card packs for weird games like Magic, or Yu-whatever it is that Paige and Daisy play.

"Hey," I said, pointing at the card pack that says Yu-Gi-Oh. "That's the game you two play, right?"

"Yup," said Daisy. "In fact, Paige and I met while playing the game."

"Nice," I said. Honestly that's so dorky, it's sweet.

"So, you the girl who wants to get into cosplay?" Asked the owner of the store, a rotund guy with a serious look on his face.

"She sure is," said Daisy. "Vanessa, this is my buddy, Gabe. Gabe, Vanessa."

"Charmed," I said, offering my hand. He shook it, his face not changing at all. Nah, he's not into me in the least.

"Alright, let me get this outta the way," he said, sighing. "The best cosplayers make their own costumes, and they work extra hard to get every minute detail right. That means hours upon hours, if not days, obsessing over ev-"

"Every last detail, including the texture of the costume," I interrupted him. "I know, buddy; I've done my homework."

"Good," he said. "So what fandom do you want to focus on?"


"Fandom," he replied. "You wanna cosplay some Yu-Gi-Oh? DBZ? Borderlands?"

"Uhhh," I blanked. NOTHING he was saying made any sense to me.

"Heh," he said, grinning to me. "You forgot that one little detail, didn't you? Ah well, nice meeting you!"

But as he was turning around, Daisy grabbed his arm.

"Actually, Vanessa's still pretty new to this whole thing," she said, and I noticed her grip tightening. "And she's even said that she's interested in seeing all the different characters she can cosplay as, so she's gonna need a lot of help getting introduced to the world of cosplay!"

"Uhuh," Gabe said, sounding disinterested as heck. "Then YOU deal with it, Dorkwinkle!"

I sighed; maybe this whole cosplay thing was a bad idea. After all...

Woah, wait a minute.

"Who's THAT!?" I asked, pointing to a poster of a woman with a pair of guns, glasses, stilettos that looked like guns, all while wearing the most badass Dominatrix outfit I had ever laid eyes on.

"That's Bayonetta," said Gabe. "She's a video game character."

"Which game?" I asked.

"Bayonetta," replied Gabe with a sigh. "The series is about her fighting against angels, demons, and what have you. She's actually pretty badass, though-"

"She's so obviously designed by a woman," I said, completely enamored with her. "Everything about her screams "Power Fantasy!" Her pose, her fashion sense, her whole body language... wow, I love her..."

"You've got an eye for detail," said Gabe, chuckling a bit. "Yeah, she was designed by a woman. I'm actually surprised you could surmise that just by looking at her. Most people just assume a man designed her."

I turned around and smiled. "I wanna cosplay as her!"

"You're gonna have to learn more about her before you do," said Gabe. "And the BEST way to do that is by playing her games."

"Games?" I asked. "As in more than one?"

"Amazingly, yeah," said Gabe, shrugging. "I doubt you'd-"

"Where can I play the games?" I asked.

"On the Nintendo Switch," he replied. "I've got it on sale, too, and I happen to-"

"Sold!" I said, taking out my credit card.

And so began my journey into cosplay!

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