Vanessa is no cradle robber

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His name is Kevin Arthur Derriwinkle, and he's a dream. Standing at six foot even, a head of red hair in a military style cut, gorgeous blue eyes, a toned physique, and a smile that could get most pussies wet and some cocks stiff. Sadly for me, he's too young. Now I'm a LOT of things; a home wrecker, a slut, a porn star, an entrepreneur, a model, Summa cum Laude of every grade I graduated from, but I am NOT a cradle robber! Minimum age to be with me is twenty nine for guys, twenty five for girls, and twenty six for all that rainbow in between! I STRONGLY prefer my partners to be older than me!

"Wow, small world," I said to Daisy as she introduced her brother to me. An hour ago I would have seen this boy as the the sexiest guy alive, but now? He may as well be a fetus to me!

"So, uhh," Paige began, and she looked like she was trying not to panic. "Van, did you say... stalker?"

"OH!!!" My eyes widened; I did let that slip out. Great, now I've worried Paige. "It's no biggie, really."

"But you looked absolutely terrified," said Kevin. His concern's so cute, honestly! He's like a baby brother!

"I'm fine, really," I said, lying my butt off. "But... well, maybe it'd be better for me to hang out with you girls, just in case."

"Well," Daisy began. "Thing is, Paige and me were on a short break; I've actually got some more repairs to do. I'm afraid you're gonna get very bored."

"Y-yeah, you have a point," I said. I know she's not wrong, but gee, it still kinda hurts to be rejected like this.

"But I've got an idea!" Said Daisy, grinning. "Kevin, how about you hang out with Vanessa while Paige and me finish our work for the day? You know, make sure there's no stalkers to bother her?"

"I can do that!" Kevin said, giving his sister a thumb's up. "If that's OK with you, Vanessa?"

"Eh, I'm not opposed to it," I said, shrugging. "But I'm no babysitter, just remember that!"

"Dude, I'm an adult," he said, sounding offended. It's so cute that getting called a kid has gotten him that riled up! Oh my God, I could pinch his cheeks!

"Are you allowed to drink?" I asked, grinning.

"Hell no he's not," Daisy said with utmost seriousness. Paige nodded her head in agreement.

Aww, they're so overprotective of him! How, HOW can I think of him as a man when he's treated like a KID!?

"Ah well," I jokingly said. "Well, Kevin, I hope you don't mind spending the next three hours accompanying me!"

"It's cool," he said, shrugging. And so off we went, while Paige and Daisy continued to work.

"Soooo, tell me about you, Kevin," I said as we walked through the mall. "Do you go to school?"

"Yeah," he said. "I go to Arbordale University; I'm Pre-Law."

"Woah, studying to become a lawyer?" I asked, genuinely impressed. "What set you on that path?"

"Well," he began. "I've met a lot of people in college who've been screwed over, ya know? Gay folk, racial minorities, trans folk, non-binary folk; I wanna be a civil rights lawyer, help defend their rights."

"OK, wow," I said, nodding. "Wow, dude, uh... wow, I'm legit at a loss for words."

"It's no big deal," he said, grinning a bit. "Just doing what I think is right, ya know?"

"Yeah," I said, patting him on the shoulder. We decided to sit down on a bench close to the fountain.

"What do you do?" He asked.

"Well," I began, but then a wave of... shame, I think? A wave of shame hit me. I've never felt shame for who I was before! "I'm an entrepreneur! I invest in businesses! In fact, I'm the one who invested in your sister's business!"

"Huh," he said, nodding. "I'd heard of that; how a friend of Paige's had been the investor. Well, it's nice to finally meet you!"

A friend of Paige's? So... I'm not even a friend to Daisy? That hurts...

"Sooooo, I guess Paige and Daisy don't talk a lot about me?" I asked, hoping for a yes, but ready to accept that no.

"Actually, ever since Daisy moved out, I don't see her as much as I used to," he said, sadness in his voice. NOOOO, Kevin, don't be sad! "I used to see her every day before college; then I used to see her every weekend when I started college. Nowadays, with her and Paige married and working and me having swim practice, I get to see her like twice a month."

"You sound very close to her," I said, a warm feeling in my heart.

"Heh, yeah," he said, blushing a bit. "You got any siblings?"

"Not as far as I know," I said, shrugging. I'm ALMOST sure Father might have gotten more than one girl pregnant, but knowing him? He's probably paid for the abortions. 'Course there's always the chance one or more of his side girls just took the money and lied about getting the kid aborted, but who knows?

"Gotcha," he said. We sat in silence for a while, but something was on my mind.

"Soooooo, Daisy and Paige," I began. "What do you think of them, as a couple?"

"I dunno," he replied. "I guess they're good together? I'm not entirely sure."

"Yeah," I said, hiding a bit of... pain? What's wrong with me? I need to change the subject. "You know cosplay?"

"Yeah, I have a friend who's into that!" He said. "Why?"

"Cuz I'm getting into that, too!" I replied. "Got any tips?"

"I'll ask my friend where she gets her material for her costumes," he said. "The materials you use can make or break your cosplay. But I happen to know there's a store near here that sells cloths of all types."

"Does your friend make her own cosplays?" I asked, suddenly feeling a bit... uneasy. I kinda forgot an important detail: I don't know how to make clothes...

"Yeah," he replied. "She's really good at it, too! And if you want, she can teach you how!"

"I DEFINITELY could use a few lessons on making cosplay," I said, grinning a bit. "I'm... inexperienced..."

We kept on talking about different subjects as time went on. Eventually, his phone rang; Daisy and Paige were done for the day.

"Hey, will you be OK going home by yourself?" He asked. Awwwwww, he's so worried for me!!!

"I think so," I said. "Hey, what's it take for a big, strong guy like you to keep me company now and then?"

"I guess you could just ask!" He replied, smiling. He's too adorable, I swear! We traded phone numbers; unlike most guys I meet, I gave him my ACTUAL number! I wanna see this kid again!

"Hold on, my phone's ringing again," he said, picking up his phone. "Uhuh... yeah, sure, no prob! Yeah, she's still here... sure, I'll ask her!"

He put the phone away.

"So, Daisy and Paige are hitting the food court for some pizza," he said. "You wanna come?"

"S-sure!" I said, delighted because I KNOW they asked him if I was still there, and told him to ask me if I wanted to come!

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