Vanessa can't catch a break

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Doug Derriwinkle is my biological father. He knew, but never told me. Why didn't he tell me before? Did he know from Day 1? Did he let Mother use me to trick Enrico into marrying her!? How in the hell does that *Censored* sleep at night!?

I crept away from their bedroom back to where I had been staying. I now have more reason to leave this place, leave everything and everyone behind. I can't be with liars! I grew up around liars and cheaters, and did the best I could to get away from that crap!

My hands are trembling; why are they trembling? Why are tears running down my face? Why are my lips quivering? I don't get it; I'm PISSED, not sad! Why should I be sad, anyway!?

As I finish packing, my phone rings. Mr. Derriwinkle is messaging me.

When you come back from the show, can we talk? It's important. And it's nothing bad, I promise.

Against my better judgment I dry my tears, reapply my makeup, and head out the guest room. He was exiting his bedroom when I did, and he looked surprised to see me.

"I thought you-" he began, but I interrupted him.

"I changed my mind," I said. "I didn't feel comfortable there."

"Sorry to hear that," he said, clearing his throat. "So, uh... listen, umm..."

"Go on," I said as I crossed my arms.

"So, when you first came here, I thought you looked a LOT like my ex wife," he began, averting his gaze a bit. "I already apologized about that, but the truth is... ever since that day, I couldn't let go of it, you know? The resemblance was so spot on and all... I started wondering if you were related to her."

I gulped.

"So, the day after you slept here, Sarah found a hair of yours in Daisy's bed," he continued, and his breathing got heavier. "I couldn't let it go, you know? I couldn't shake off the suspicion that you and Liliana could be related, because then that'd mean you were related to Daisy, too!"

"Go on," I said to him, uncrossing my arms.

"The test results came back the other day," he said, his whole body trembling. I had to guide him into the room so he could sit down on the bed and relax a little. "And the test result came back, showing that you two shared fifty percent DNA."

I nodded.

"That's not possible, unless," he gulped. "You and Daisy are... siblings. Full siblings. A-a-a-and that makes me your..."

"I know," I said to him as I sat right next to him. "I overheard you when I came back."

"Well, I guess that spares me one big, dramatic reveal," he said, then he laughed a bit. "Soooo, uh, how do you wanna go about this?"

"Go about what?" I asked.

"This," he said as he pointed to himself and me. "Us, you know?"

"I dunno," I said, shrugging. "I mean... look, I'll be honest; you might be my bio-dad, but you're really a stranger to me when all is said and done. I barely know you, you barely know me, and, well, you know."

"Yeah," he said, then he glanced at me. "We could try getting to know one another, though."

"Maybe," I said, scooting away from him a bit. "But you already know me more than enough."

"How so?"

"You know about what I do," I said, looking away. "With married people."

"Yeah," he said as he patted me on the shoulder. "But I know there's more to you than that."

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