Vanessa and the stalker

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It's been a few weeks since I last produced any new content for my OnlyFans, and honestly I feel so SICK of it! Yes it makes me money, but I don't feel comfortable doing it anymore. As I got on the site, though, I noticed that my subscriber count dropped by a LOT. That's fair; more than two weeks without content is reason enough to want to unsubscribe. I decided to just close my account for good. I sure hope my subscribers get their money back.

I know, I know; giving up good money like that? But the thing is, I don't feel OK doing that anymore. I don't like the idea that my physical appearance is what makes me money, especially when I think about my older sister and how she makes her money using a skill she's earned. And then there's my bio-dad, who made his own successful company by his own blood, sweat, and tears. What have I done that can compare?

I liked being a model, sure, but isn't there more to me than my body? I want to focus on my investments, maybe even start a new business for myself. What I'm doing with OnlyFans, this is just one step away from whoring myself, and I'm not OK with that anymore.

Ever since meeting my bio-family, I've felt great shame at who I was. I guess I always used the people I thought were my parents as the bar for what makes someone nasty, and so I always tricked myself into thinking I was better than they were. Because at least I didn't sleep with random hookers, like Enrico. Because I at least worked for a living, unlike my mother. But now I have a new bar, a new standard, and I fall way below it.

And I don't want to be below the bar, I want to be ABOVE it! I want to be someone Doug, Daisy, Kevin, and even Paige and Sarah can be proud of! I want to EARN their love, regardless of what Kevin told me! I'm DONE being a whore! And I'm one hundred percent DONE with sleeping with married people!

It's a new me, Universe! And this new Vanessa Russo is gonna be smarter, richer, and just plain BETTER than the old! You'll see!

I went to the mall to check up on the businesses I invested in. First off, Computer Repairer D, where my sister and sister-in-law worked. They were super busy today, so I decided to check up on them later. Next, Ty's. As I made my way up to his place, I had a feeling I was being watched.

My stalker, I'm sure of it. I'm not afraid of them anymore, though; mostly I'm just SICK of their crap. Like OK, I get it, you're obsessed with me! But leave me alone already!

I subtly made my way to a corner of the mall where there are two bathrooms, a drinking fountain, and some chairs. I sat down, waiting for my stalker to either leave or confront me. With time, someone approached me, sat down beside me, and started whispering.

"I've got a knife," they said. They were wearing a face mask and sunglasses. "You're coming with me."

"Why?" I asked. Little did they know, I'd already alerted the police to everything that was happening. I just gotta distract this person.

"You ruined my marriage, my family," they said. "We were happy, until you came along."

"What makes you think it was me?" I asked, keeping my cool.

"Because my husband confessed to everything, Diane," she said. And with that, she gave herself away. "Now-"

"You're Derek's wife," I said. "Or should I say, ex-wife?"

"We're still together," she said, her voice breaking a bit. "No thanks to you."

"Let me guess," I smirked. "He said I seduced him?"

"Yep," she replied. "He begged me for forgiveness, and said that he would have resisted you if not-"

"Why didn't he?" I asked. "Since it's so easy to say no, after all."

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