Vanessa versus the secretary

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I was up by five AM so me and Tasha, my father's secretary, could head on down to this abortion clinic that was pretty far from home. Where it was I'd rather not say, but it was pretty far from wherever Mother's friends might show up. Guess this is our little secret.

Tasha was beyond unhappy to have to accompany me. It's whatever, really; she can be a sourpuss on her own time. Besides, Father is paying her extra for this, so it's not like she's being inconvenienced.

As we sat in the lobby and I filled out the form, I noticed she was texting Father. She was giggling, and I immediately knew what she was up to. I sighed in exasperation.

"So, how long has that been going on?" I asked as I filled the form.

"I've been employed by your father for six months now," she said, giving me side eye.

"You and I both know that's not what I mean," I said, continuing to fill out the form.

"I do not like what you are insinuating," she said, glaring at me. "And before you start threatening my job, you are reminded that-"

"I know what Dad does with his secretaries," I said, finishing the form and getting up to turn it in. As I sat back down on my chair, I continued. "Just wanted to give you a head's up that sexting my dad on your phone isn't a smart idea; use a burner for that."

"You don't know me," she said, glaring. "I'm not-"

"You're between the ages of twenty one to twenty three, fresh off of college, and you have been having sex with my dad for as long as he's employed you," I said as I looked around the room. "The earrings gave you away."

"What about them?" She asked as she (maybe subconsciously) caressed them.

"Those are fifty thousand dollar earrings from Vangelico's down in Rodeo Drive," I said, still filling out the form. "Dad's a regular there."

"Hmph!" She hmphed. "Bold of you to assume I didn't buy these myself!"

"Because you didn't," I said as I pointed at her shoes. "A woman who has enough taste to buy herself fifty thousand dollar earrings would never dream of wearing them with twenty dollar pumps."

"These are NOT twenty dollar pumps!" She exclaimed. "I bought them from Dolce and Gabanna!"

"Really, now," I smirked. She just outed herself; those pumps are made from synthetic leather that's been painted black. I could tell from their lack of sheen that these pumps had been well worn, but the fact that they weren't scratched or worn down meant they were made with synthetic leather. If those shoes really were Dolce and Gabanna, they would have been made with real leather. Likewise, no self respecting woman would dare wear Dolce and Gabanna shoes that look so worn down; that just screams New Money.

We waited for my turn in silence, but I could tell she was absolutely fuming.

"You think you're so smart," she finally said. "But I've got news for you; you're not nearly as smart as you think you are."

"Now what makes you say that?" I asked, knowing where this was going. This is the part where she starts bragging about Mother and Father being on the brink of divorce.

"Just saying," she said, grinning. "You have no idea about what your father and I are doing to your precious mother. We're close to getting dirt on her, you know, and once we find it, there's gonna be some BIG changes!"

"Oh wow," I said, rolling my eyes. "You mean you're trying to catch her cheating or something?"

"Maybe," she said, grinning. "If you help us, I can totally convince your dad to keep you in his will."

Heh, like she'd do that. Nah, this girl is a total Daddy's Money who got her job with my dad by knowingly making herself sexually desirable. She's totally convinced she's the type of Other Woman who can steal a man from his wife, not knowing that Father will just trade her in for the newest girl once she hits the wall.

"What, you mean when you marry him?" I asked, grinning. "You're, like, the fifth girl to make me that offer, you know that?"

"What?" She asked, gasping.

"Stop me if any of this sounds familiar," I said, clearing my throat to imitate my father's voice. ""God, this is so dangerous, what are we doing!? I've been married thirty years, but only now do I know what love feels like! God, I wish I could divorce my wife, but she'd never let me! Only way I can safely divorce her is if I catch her cheating!""

That deer in the headlights look is all the proof I needed to know I've hit the mark. I'd feel sorry for her, really, but I can't knowingly do that.

"He's been trying to catch my mom cheating for ages now," I said, shrugging. "But even if he did catch her, she's got that solid pre-nup. All she needs to do is prove that he's been cheating too, and the condition he wanted gets annulled."

"She doesn't-"

"Yes, she does," I said. "She's had twelve years to gather it, because that's how long I've been gone."

"What?" She asked, looking like she never considered that she'd be caught red-handed.

"My dad's not good at hiding his affairs AT ALL," I said, looking her right in the eye. "He's stupid enough to charge hotel rooms on his CREDIT CARD, which he shares with Mom. If I've got an eye for detail, it's from a childhood spent looking over the credit card bill to see if there's a charge that shouldn't be there."

"Russo!" The receptionist called out. "Vanessa Russo, you're up."

"Excuse me," I said. As I got up and entered the office, though, I noticed Tasha walking up to the receptionist...

One very controversial procedure later...

I feel sick. I don't know if it's the procedure itself, or the machines, or the sound of the machines, or how clean everything is, but something about all this just makes me sick to my stomach. As I exited the office, I noticed Tasha was gone. Great, just great. I decided to phone Dad.

"Hello?" Said a voice I did not recognize. She sounded pretty young, though.

"Enrico Russo, please," I said.

"Honey, it's for you!" The voice called out.

"Hello?" Father's voice responded a few seconds later.

"Dad, you have got to stop letting your mistresses answer your phone," I said. "And what happened to Tasha? She just left me!"

"Oh!" He exclaimed. "Well, I had her pick up an important document for me and deliver it to my office!"

"But how will I get home?" I asked. "I feel sick, Dad, I need-"

"You could call an Uber," He said. "Well, I'm a bit busy now, so take care!"


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