Chapter 41-Lets make a deal.

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A span of two weeks had passed since the collapse of the Qliphoth tree. Dante and Vergil remained conspicuously absent from the scene. Meanwhile, Izuku had taken refuge in hiding, fully aware that Reborn would be relentlessly searching for him.

Upon his return to Devil May Cry, Izuku was surprised to receive a birthday gift from Morrison, courtesy of Dante. It turned out to be the deed to Dante's property, which included both the land and the business. Despite turning 19, Izuku didn't yet feel prepared to take the reins of the business, so he decided to temporarily entrust its ownership to Morrison until he felt confident enough or until reborn got off his butt.

In the present time, Lady and Trish lounged in Dante's office, indulging in slices of pizza, their thoughts drifting to when Dante would finally emerge from his venture in the underworld.

The two women then engaged in a heated dispute over who should take possession of Dante's office when Morrison strolled in, brandishing a letter that Izuku had handed to him.

"Oh, I hate to spoil your dreams, ladies, but that shit ain't gonna happen," Morrison declared, striding over to Dante's desk and taking a seat.

"What do you mean, Morrison?" Lady inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"See, there's this deed to this place, and I've got it," he explained, waving the document in front of them, just out of Lady's reach.

"But shouldn't Izuku own the place now?" Trish questioned.

"The clever little devil came to me right before going into hiding," Morrison began, "and he said something like, 'My dearest friend, I know you'll keep this place safe from those crazy bitches because...'" he trailed off, causing Trish and Lady to playfully point at each other.

"Did I say crazy bitches? My apologies, I meant ladies. Anyway, you get the gist of the story," Morrison clarified, standing up as Trish and Lady perched themselves on Dante's desk.

"I wonder if he even plans on coming back," Lady mused, her thoughts echoing Trish's uncertainty.

"Fooled me," Trish concurred.

"The point is, I've got a job for you two," Morrison revealed, motioning for them to follow him just as the power went out.

"Because the rent ain't free," he added, leading them out of the building.


Deep within the abyss of the underworld, where the once-mighty Qliphoth tree had stood, two demon brothers, one clad in crimson and the other in azure, engaged in a fierce duel. Dante skillfully evaded Vergil's sweeping strike, leaping gracefully over his brother and delivering a powerful blow to Yamato. The force of the impact sent Vergil staggering backward, leaving both of them panting heavily.

"Score for Dante! I'm up one," Dante cheered, raising a finger triumphantly.

Vergil swiftly retorted, "Where did you learn to count? We're even."

Dante sat on the floor, looking around, and shared his contemplation. "You know... I'm starting to think this is never gonna end."

Vergil surveyed the underworld and smirked. "Maybe... we've got plenty of time." Dante chucked hearing this.

Both devil hunters rose to their feet, assuming fighting stances. With full force, they charged at each other, their blades clashing and creating sparks. Both brothers smiled, reveling in the excitement.

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