Chapter 48-A Demonic Suprise

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Izuku lay in his underground medical chamber, slowly opening his eyes. Fenrir anxiously questioned, "Master, how are you feeling?"

"Where am I?" Izuku whispered, scanning his surroundings, struggling to keep his eyes open.

"In the underground clinic. You were moved here after your faced the gigantic demon," Fenrir explained.

"How long have I been out?" Izuku inquired, rising.

"About 2 days," Fenrir replied.

"You gave Big Red here a scare when he saw you. But we knew being ripped in half couldn't kill ya that easily. You are Vergil's son, after all," Griffon said, emerging from Izuku in his baby form, resting on his chest.

"What about the shop?" Izuku questioned, setting Griffon aside.

"I closed it down for the time being until you awoke," Fenrir explained. Izuku then turned his attention to Griffon.

"Also, why are you a chick?" Izuku asked, and Griffon fluffed up.

"Yeah, turns out trying to live without a contractor for two whole days is harder than you think," Griffon explained.

"I assumed it was a side effect of you lending your demonic energy to help Master recover faster," Fenrir inquired, puzzled, while Griffon chirped indignantly.

"Fuck you! It's not like I was concerned or anything. Shadow and I just figured it might speed up the process, you know, for more energy! Yeah, I was hungry! So don't go thinking I give a shit!" Griffon hastily clarified, and Izuku chuckled.

"Nya," Shadow mewed as he hopped onto the table beside the bed.

"Thanks anyway, Griffon," Izuku said, giving the bird a scratch on his head.

"Moving on, how did you locate me amid the chaos? And how did you manage to bring me back without causing a mess?" Izuku inquired of Fenrir as Griffon ceased his complaints.

"The baby hitman brought you here," Fenrir explained.

"Reborn?" Izuku queried, perplexed, as Fenrir proceeded to narrate the entire story.

"Yes. He told me to inform you that he will be coming to collect his debt on a week or two." Fenrir explained as izuku sighed.

"Always on top things aren't you." Izuku mumbled as he got of bed and stretched.

"Are you sure you should be walking around?" Fenrir asked concerned as izuku nodded.

"It's fine. All I need is some food. Otherwise I might just cook Griffon or eat him raw..." Izuku said as Griffon began to shake in fear.

"Anyways lets test this devil arm out!" Izuku said as he stretched his hand out.

A few seconds passed as izuku was confused. He tried once again to channel the demonic energy into his arms as nothing happened except his arms glowed a red aura.

"Where the hell is my devil arm!?" Izuku yelled confused as he kept trying to summon it.

"That's weird. Killin a demon of that size and power should've given you one. It's set in stone once the snake died. Unless." Griffon explained as Fenrir nodded.

"You have the snakes demonic energy but not it's soul or body." Fenrir explained as he saw the energy on izuku's hands.

"Wait if I don't have it, Then who does?" Izuku asked as he looked at his two familars.

In a nondescript house around Yokohama, a familiar boy with rough purple hair sat in his room, staring intensely at the tank in front of him. The tank contained a layer of substrate and sand, adorned with rocks and foliage for an unseen creature to hide. Suddenly, a black snake with red glowing eyes and red patterns across its back emerged from a log, fixing its gaze on Shinso.

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