Chapter 44-Surgery

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Touya arrived at the location indicated on the card Izuku had given him. It was a charming little coffee shop in Shinjuku. Following Izuku's instructions, he concealed his face and dressed casually.

He dialed the number on the card, and to his surprise, the door to the coffee shop swung open. Tables and chairs moved, creating a clear path for Touya to follow, which left him puzzled as he stepped inside.

Words appeared on the wall, directing him to follow the wall art. Touya followed these instructions, leading him to the lounge area where he found a door. More words appeared on the wall, instructing him to open it. Touya complied and was startled to find a red portal beyond the door.

He was gently pushed through it by an unknown force, and on the other side of the portal, he found himself in a clinic. Izuku was sitting in a chair in surgical scrubs.

"Good, you're here," Izuku said, standing up, which left Touya feeling bewildered

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"Good, you're here," Izuku said, standing up, which left Touya feeling bewildered.

"How? What... where the hell am I?" Touya asked, his confusion evident. Izuku proceeded to explain.

"You're in my office, more specifically, my surgery room," Izuku clarified, pointing to the bed.

"Please, have a seat and wait while I prepare the IV tubes and fluids," he instructed. Touya, still uncertain about the situation, followed Izuku's directions and took a seat, awaiting Izuku's return.

"So, you've done this before?" Touya inquired, noticing Izuku's medical certificate displayed on the wall.

"Yeah, I spent some time as a resident at a hospital in LA during med school," Izuku replied. He returned to the room wearing a mask and gloves, carrying the IV equipment and various needles.

Izuku then hoisted the IV bag onto the pole and connected the tube to a syringe. He held Touya's hand up.

"Hope you're a fan of needles," Izuku quipped as the glowing green fluid started to flow into Touya's body.

"Should it be glowing?" Touya asked, a bit unsure about the green luminescent liquid.

"Don't worry about that; it's my special mix," Izuku reassured him. Touya lay back on the bed and soon began to feel numb all over his body.

After a few minutes, Izuku poked Touya's face to check if he could feel anything, but the hero shook his head.

"Good, now we can begin," Izuku announced. He started to emit a red glow, which surprised Touya.

Suddenly, a red box materialized in front of him and opened up to reveal an array of surgical instruments, including scalpels of various sizes, tweezers, stitching needles, buzzsaws, and more.

Suddenly, a red box materialized in front of him and opened up to reveal an array of surgical instruments, including scalpels of various sizes, tweezers, stitching needles, buzzsaws, and more

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