Chapter 66-A Short Break

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After the USJ incident, the students were escorted out of the school and given a one-week break. The heroes successfully captured all the villains brought in by the League and imprisoned them. However, the demons killed by Izuku and Nero left no trace.

The police collected samples of the Nomu that Nero killed for further research. UA faced significant scrutiny, and questions about its safety as an educational institution arose, similar to the original storyline.

In the hospital, Shinso lay on the bed, wrapped in multiple bandages.

"Find the book of ascension. Where it lies, you shall find what you wish for..." a voice echoed in Shinso's mind.

His eyes suddenly opened to find himself covered in bandages, wincing in pain as he tried to move.

"SHINSO!!!" Shinsui yelled, grabbing onto Shinso's arm, tears in his eyes.

"Dad!" Shinso yelled in pain.

"Oh, right, sorry... SHINSO!!!" Shinsui yelled, gripping the side of the bed.

"Where am I?" Shinso asked, looking around.

"You're in the hospital, son. They brought you here after what happened at the USJ. Never mind that, you're finally awake! I thought you would be permanently in a coma! How dare those villains hurt you like this!? Give me their names, I'll sue the hell out of them!" Shinsui said, tears in his eyes, his anger evident.

"Dad..." Shinso deadpanned.

"Oh yeah, sorry about that. Anyways, how do you feel?" Shinsui asked, wiping the tears away.

"Pain... Is everyone alright?" Shinso asked, and Shinsui nodded.

"Yeah, thanks to you, your classmates were able to get to safety. At least, that's what they told me," Shinsui replied.

"My classmates were here?" Shinso asked, and Shinsui pointed to his bedside table, where there were flowers, a good luck charm, and even a box of chocolates.

"Yes, your friends Uraraka-san and Sato-san visited a day ago. Some students named Tsuyu Asui, Denki Kaminari, and Kagura Karond did as well, along with one of your teachers," Shinsui explained.

"Oh, weird that someone gave me chocolates. It's probably from—" Shinso was about to say Sato but was cut off by his father.

"Kanrod-san. She brought them, told me to tell you to get well soon," Shinsui said as Shinso blushed.

They heard a knock at the door and turned to see a man in a blue jacket with short white hair.

"Hitoshi Shinso?" The man asked, and Shinsui nodded.

The man sighed and took out a card from his pocket. "Arigatouh, Watashinonamaeha Nero, de hisa no otōtodesu, (for fucks sake)" the man said in broken Japanese.

"I can speak English," Shinso replied.

"So can I, but not as well" Shinsui chuckled, raising his hand.

"Oh, thank god," Nero sighed in relief, throwing the paper away.

"Sup, the name's Nero, and I'm the older brother of your sensei, Izuku," Nero said with a peace sign as he leaned against the door.

"S-sensei has an older brother!?" Shinso exclaimed.

"I'm assuming you're shocked. I don't know why the idiot never mentioned me before, but whatever," Nero said.

"You're Redgrave-san's brother, right? Please thank him again for training my son," Shinsui said, bowing slightly.

"Y-yes, I will," Nero replied awkwardly, returning the bow.

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