Desperate Choices

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Author's Pov

Inside the dimly lit room, a tense silence hung in the air. Seojun and Jiah stood, their eyes locked onto Jimin, who held Ella hostage, a sinister grin etched on his face. In their earpieces, Ara waited, her fingers hovering over the keyboard, her decision wavering.

Ella: (screaming) "Ara, don't do it! Don't give him access! I'd rather..."

Ella's voice trailed off, choked by fear, but her resolve was clear.

Seojun: (urgently) "Ara, we don't have a choice. Grant him access."

Jiah: (nodding) "He's right, Ara. We can't lose Ella."

The room was electrified with tension as Ara and Hyein focused on their mission, working tirelessly to deceive Jimin's hacking attempt. The atmosphere was thick with suspense, as Seojun, Jiah, Ella, and Jimin stood on edge.

Jimin: (impatiently) "Ara, I don't have all day. Grant me access now!"

Ara: (feigning anxiety) "I'm trying, Jimin. Please give me a moment."

Hyein, hidden in the shadows, whispered instructions to Ara.

Hyein: (whispering) "Remember, Ara, the key is to keep him distracted while we buy time."

Ara continued to flood Jimin's access with scrambled codes and false data, her fingers dancing across the keyboard.

Ara: (feigning panic) "It's not working! The system's too complex."

Ella, though terrified for her life, couldn't bear to see her team give in.

Ella: (pleading) "Ara, Hyein, don't do it! I'd rather face the consequences."

Seojun and Jiah, standing beside Ella, shared a knowing look. They understood the gravity of the situation but had faith in their teammates.

Seojun: (firmly through his earpiece) "Ara, Hyein, we trust you. Find a way to stall him."

Jiah: (resolute) "Ella's right where she belongs—with us."

Ara and Hyein exchanged a determined look, silently agreeing on their next move. Ara continued to feed Jimin's system with misinformation, creating a maze of encrypted data that baffled even his formidable hacking skills.

Ara: (feigning distress) "I've almost got it... Just a bit longer."

Hyein, hidden away from prying eyes, worked her magic in the background, exploiting a hidden vulnerability she had discovered earlier.

Hyein: (whispering) "Ara, I've initiated a series of decoy processes. It should keep him occupied."

The room crackled with tension as Jimin grew increasingly frustrated, his patience wearing thin.

Jimin: (angrily) "What's taking so long?!"

Seojun and Jiah watched intently, ready to act at the right moment.

Seojun: (whispering) "Keep him occupied, Ara. Hyein, any progress?"

Hyein: (whispering) "Almost there. Just a few more seconds."

Ara's fingers danced with precision, her eyes locked on the screen, while Hyein worked tirelessly to exploit the Shadows' system.

Finally, Hyein's efforts bore fruit, and she managed to divert Jimin's attention to a false access point.

Hyein: (whispering) "Ara, now!"

Ara executed the final move, sending a decoy message that granted Jimin access to a dummy system, while the real data remained safely hidden.

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