FR • 01

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Steven Choi. The first time Andre met him was at the dorms, when he was assigned to be his roommate.

He was a small dude, but so was Andre. They both greeted each other with a nod, acknowledging each other's existence but that was all their interaction throughout the first week.

As the days goes by, Andre began noticing their differences. His side of the room was neat and almost bare while Steven's was full of stuff, even on the walls with posters and vinyls on display.

Andre didn't mind, he was fascinated on how Steven can even fit more stuff than he already has. Steven respects their shared space and made sure not to cross Andre's side which Andre appreciated. Although he gets noisy when watching his favorite soccer games, he makes sure to keep quiet when Andre's sleeping or studying.

"Do you want some?" Steven offers him a burger and since he hadn't eaten anything yet, he accepted.

"This is good, where'd you get it?" It was a simple question but Steven answered with a whole lot of answers and more.

"Right! It's my favorite! It's a secret ok. Don't tell anyone about it or they'll increase the price!" He goes on and on about how it became his favorite, on how he stumbled upon the shop just near their school and even invited Andre to go with him next time. Andre chuckled, but found himself listening anyway.

"What happened to your face?" Steven asked one time when Andre came home with a bruise.

"Stupid people happened." He huffs and found himself ranting to Steven who listened and suggested on how to get back at them. Andre laughed but he also started to exercise and train his body after that.

They would casually have small talks about their day but that's about it. Andre observes his roommate is a busybody. Someone who just can't stay still, doing nothing.

During their first year, Steven was into dancing. He joined competitions and even won a few medals before he hopped into a new hobby which was fashion.

If Steven has been hopping from hobbies to hobbies, Andre was hopping from bodies to bodies. Ever since he first started with his exercise, Andre managed to achieve his goal body and maintained it well after a year. He not only managed to defend himself from fights but also gain a whole lot of admirers with his physique and good looks. Girls fight over him and brag if Andre beds them earning him a reputation. Steven was just thankful he doesn't bring his sexcapades in their dorm.

Steven would compliment him and tried to make exercising as his hobby too, joining Andre with his rep one time but he ends up laying on the ground, panting. "I give up." Andre just chuckles at him as he continues to do push ups.

When they reached third year where they had an option to change dorms where they can be alone or change roommates, for some reason, neither one chose to go. They didn't talk about it, it was a silent mutual agreement.

Just like that, Andre and Steven just continued to co-exist. Respecting each other's boundaries, minding their own business until one afternoon that changes their dynamics completely.

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