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"Hey Steven, what virus did you get contact with? cause whatever it is I want it. Your skin is glowing." Steven muttered cum under his breath


"Just the usual... flu." His face flushed, looking away from prying eyes like he'll get caught in a lie.

"Hey Steven." Another came, sitting next to him.

"Hey Ennik, thanks for the notes. Appreciate it." Steven gives her a smile which she responded back with a sly smile and scoots her chair closer to Steven.

"Did you know how many panties almost dropped seeing THE Andre Park in our building!?" Steven stilled, as Ennik continues to chatter. "Why didn't you say you were roomies with Andre until now? I would brag to be his roommate."

"Well duh, they're on the same league so Steven don't get the hype just like how we're immuned to Steven cause he's our classmate or he would be Andre 2.0." Ennik nods on her friend's theory but flips her hair and rests her chin on her palm. "So Steven, do you have photos of him? With him? From the freshman year? I bet he's so cute! I only got here in 2nd year and he's already lean. What was he like then?"

"I... don't." Not that he remembers, but he smiles at the memory of a freshman Andre.

"Why not? Are you not close?" Ennik frowns

"Of course they are! They're still roommates." Her friend answers. It's common knowledge if you're staying at the dorms that most, if not everyone would chose to have their own room or room with their friends and partners when given the option when they reach Junior Year.

"Oh right! They chose to stay together. Eyy, are you gatekeeping Andre?" Ennik playfully pushes Steven who jolts in his seat, bumping his leg on the table.

"It's not me! I didn't push him that hard!" Ennik raises her hands, also startled.

Steven looks around frantically at the culprit. "Steven you ok? Do you still not feel well?"

"I'm fine—"

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Hey Andre! Over here!" Ennik waves Andre over. That devil!

"Hi, I'm just checking to see Steven's condition. His Daddy's orders." Steven almost cussed at Andre remembering what happened for the rest of the day yesterday.

"It's not fair Andre!"

"Don't you know how the saying goes? All's fair in love and war. This is war." Steven grumbles under his breath. "Now what do you call me?" They're playing adult cards when Andre should be in class but says he's responsible for Steven's body aches so he's keeping him company.

"D-da ewwww like why would anyone like calling out to their dad like that? Ugh!" Steven shivers, "Ew mental image go away! I'm sorry mom and dad!"

Andre laughs, doubling over. "That's because you're literally thinking about your dad."

"How can I not when I call him Dad! Stupid." It's the first time Andre see him loose his cool, really not liking it but Andre will make him understand how it is.

"I'll show you—" Andre moved to get on his feet after sitting cross-legged on the floor

"Uh-oh stop right there! You are not showing me anything mister. The painkillers can only do so much." Steven rants.

"I'm not showing you now... but I'm taking you somewhere."

Andre is enjoying Steven's discomfort as he tries to pull away but Andre held his hand firmly.

"I won fair and square, besides you're the one who suggested the game." Steven almost whines but Andre is not having it

"This way sir." Steven tries to hold his ground but Andre was stronger so he got dragged with him. Once they reach the room Steven just buries his face in Andre's neck.

"We could've bought online." Steven grumbles, "I'm not paying for that."

Now he squirms as Andre faked a concern, "You still look pale. Do you wanna go home?"

Steven was about to say no and act like he's totally fine when he felt it making him gasp and bend over. "Steven you don't have to force yourself. We're finished with the projects anyway. I'll lend you my notes."

"Yeah, I'm sure your professor wouldn't mind if you miss one more day plus it's the weekend so you can rest longer and be fully recovered by next week." Andre wrapped an arm around his shoulder making some of his female classmates squeal at the sight.

"I. Will. Never. Call. You. That." Steven swears silently to Andre's ear, biting his lips as he feels his legs about to give in from the intensity of the vibration in his bum.

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