FR • 04

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After their breaths calmed down, Steven pretended to have fallen asleep when Andre moved on top of him. Andre noticing his eyelids moving, chuckled and got some wipes.

"Let's get you cleaned up." Steven suddenly sat up when Andre was about to tug on his boxers and muttered, "I can do it myself thank you." And zoomed the to washroom. Andre laughed, cleaning himself instead and the mess he made inside his pants and got changed.

"Steven, when are you coming out there?" He calls out, smile playing on his lips while his roommate was startled at the call of his name and stopped pacing inside the washroom.

Steven could still feel Andre's hands on him and shivered. He doesn't know how he can face him.

"But I didn't imply anything right? I was just asking." Steven whispers to himself and slowly opens the door.

Taking deep breaths, he silently walks to his bed with his head down, feeling the weight of Andre's stares. He hurriedly laid in bed and covered himself with a blanket and started furiously typing on his phone, mind bursting with new knowledge that his body could still feel.

He posted a one-shot and bit his lips, waiting for a notification but shrugged thinking no one saw it, nah, there are already views on it. Maybe they didn't like it? Let them read it, stupid.

Closing his phone, Steven slowly took a peek, pulling his blanket down and met the gaze of a smirking Andre. Feeling the blood rush to his cheeks, he ducks his head and covered it again.

Andre had enough and stood up, taking his blanket off and Steven quickly went on his knees, again. Butt on his heel, fists on his lap with his head down. "I'm sorry I—"

"I'm not." Andre cuts him off and he finally looks up and fell on his bum when Andre leans down, caging him in between his arms. Steven didn't dare breathe with how close Andre's face to his.

Andre held his chin and brushed thumb over his lips, gently parting it, whispering, "Breathe, Steven."

"You're making it hard." Steven exhales, leaning back and Andre's eyes went down

"To breathe you idiot." Andre's eyes snapped back up to meet Steven's who looked away. Snickering, Andre straightened up, "You can use me as your reference any time."

Pursing his lips, Steven's brows connected. "Aren't you in a relationship?"

Cursing to himself on how he let it happen earlier, made him feel so guilty. He couldn't stop Andre and even wanted more. All rational thoughts flew away, forgetting that the guy was taken.

"I am? I'm not aware." Andre shrugs, sitting beside him. He can feel the heat of Andre's hands near his thigh that Steven sat up straight, feet dangling in the edge of his bed.

"You're not just saying that are you? I'm not naive you know. I may be inexperienced to sexual intercourse but I'm not ignorant. I'm not innocent either."

"Pray-tell, who am I in a relationship with other than you?"

"Well there's that girl Gigi— wait, me?" Steven turns his head to Andre who was casually leaning on his back, using his elbows for support.

"You're the closest thing to a relationship that I have. Asking about each other's day, sharing food, listening to each other's rants..." Andre smirks, "and now tasting each other." Steven quickly looked straight back to the bare wall of Andre's side of the room. Feeling the buzz in his stomach again.

"But your reputation... aren't you straight?"

"I used to think until I got someone's cock in my mouth." An image of Andre's sucking on a cock stirs Steven's desires.

Steven stiffened when he felt his bed move as Andre sat up straight, leaning his chest on his back. Steven gripped his sheet's tightly and almost cussed in how he felt his dick twitch in anticipation.

"It's a win-win. I get to do you and only you in multiple ways that I can for your reference, removing any risk from both our sides contacting unnecessary disease and you get to write what you know and we both get to have fun trying out new things together." Steven closed his eyes as he imagine all the possibilities and gulped, crossing his legs. "That, and we don't have to worry about missing curfew."

"Do you have medical papers?" Andre stood up and opened a drawer, giving Steven an envelope that has his medical records and proof that he is clean.

"You?" Looking up from Andre's papers, biting his lips. Steven reached to his bedside table where he keeps his records and handed it to Andre.

Since Steven was done checking Andre's papers, he set it aside when a notification came up on his phone.

Steven gasped at the amount of interaction his one-shot got and read the comments

Spice we asked, spice he gives!


Don't be shyyy give us more!

Details please, that can't be it right?

A sound of paper rustling brings back Steven to the present. Andre drops his papers on the table and removes his shirt. Steven drops his phone as he scoots closer to the wall as Andre advances on him. His boba eyes glisten mischievously, a devilish toothy grin adorns his face as he cages Steven's small frame beneath him "Tell me, what do you want to write next?"

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