FR • 09

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"So you were saying?" Andre asks after redecorating their desks and pinning it on Andre's side of the room.

"That I don't think I can walk tomorrow?" Andre laughs as he rejoins Steven on the bed, both fully clothed.

"It's not funny. I feel so sore!" Steven whines.

"Ok I'll massage you later." Andre offers, squeezing Steven's biceps but got slapped.

"Yeah and next thing I'll know we're changing the sheets again." Andre raised a brow at him, "Why? Are you writing a scenario where the character receives a happy ending at a sketchy massage parlor?"

Steven's nose wrinkled his nose with distaste, "I'm writing fanfics with spice, not pornography skit." Andre finds him adorable and couldn't help but pinch his nose.

"Am I?" Steven adds in a small voice, a frown on his face and Andre chuckles, pulling him to his embrace, squeezing the life out of him.

"Andreeeyyyy" Steven whines

"You're so cute! Whatever you write, your readers are there cause they like it. As long you like what you write, wether it be cute fluff, heavy drama, confusing sci-fi, heart-thumping thriller or plotless porn, it doesn't matter... just don't use me for reference when you do thrillers." Steven bursts out laughing and Andre laughs with him.

"Thank you, I'll keep that in mind. I'm not even sure how long I'll keep writing as a hobby, there's so much the world offers you know? But writing offers the world. Your own world, with fiction that is! You gotta put a disclaimer or professionals and people with the right knowledge about factual things you make up will come at you." Andre grins as Steven talks about his passion and hobbies, it also makes him want to try out new things.

"Sorry, we've strayed away too much from your original question. Which were you asking about? I don't remember saying anything." Andre jokingly felt Steven's forehead

"I think you're getting short-term memory loss every time I make you cum." Steven snorted, "a side-effect to your cock."

"I'll take it as a compliment." Andre shrugs.

"We're straying from the main point again." Steven reminds

"Earlier, you said you said you were thinking about us."

"Oh that." He doesn't really remember telling Andre but he does remember vividly, the Andre looked at that moment, taking off his clothes.

"Yes that."

"Nothing really, I just find it fascinating how we got to this point when we could've just continued to co-exist and leave the dorms once we graduate, not knowing if we'll even see each other again without really... connecting? You know what I mean?"

"A passerby."

"Hmm?" Andre elaborated, "people come and go, they're just passerby's in our life."

"Don't be one." Steven whispers, and Andre looks down on him, and got startled to see Steven crying.

"Why are you crying?" Andre wipes Steven tears that kept falling

"It's sad. I mean I have many passersby's in my life, I barely remember the events during elementary school and because they just pass by, I often forget they were even there after a long time."

"I can't be one, silly. I'm your reference after all. I'm in your work, you readers are witnesses. Every time you read what you wrote you'll always have a part of me. Thank Gods I walked in on you right?" Steven sniffs, knowing Andre's keeping it light by bringing up the fact that he had walked in on him in an embarrassing situation, but if asked if he'll do it again knowing what they currently have, he would. "hmmm, you're definitely not a passerby in mine, but what about me in yours?"

Andre grins, "Who says I don't read?"

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