FR • 07

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"Andre Andre Andre!" Steven bursts inside their room and excitedly jumped over to Andre's bed on his knees. Andre immediately abandons his paperworks to give his full attention to Steven.

Andre may seem to have no care and do whatever he wants, he's still an academic achiever that's why despite his fuck boy tendencies, he's not looked down upon his professors who would usually judge guys like him to be only thinking with their dicks.

"Look!!" Steven shoves his phone towards Andre's face and brightly smiles, retrieving it after Andre finished scanning it.

"More readers, congratulations." Steven then sits down properly, kicking his shoes and lays on his back with his head on Andre's stomach. Scrolling through his phone.

"More than just readers, critics! They point out what they like, they dislike if there's any and what they look forward to!"

"What if there's bad comments?" Steven rests his phone on his chin and think while Andre reached for his hair, playing with it. "Hmmm... it depends? So far I have none. They were kind and maybe they chose not to comment at all rather than saying something bad. But I also think bad comments are not necessarily bad? Like the last time, they didn't say anything negative but voiced out their opinion on how it could've been better you know?"

"Hate comments on the other hand is another thing." Andre stops fiddling with Steven's hair and his brows furrowed. "You got hate comments?"

Shaking his head, "No, but it could inevitable with an open platform. Anyone can read...." Steven gasps and sat up.

"What is it?"

"I just got a perfect scenario for enemies to lovers! Ha!" Steven moves to his bed, laying on his stomach and starts to type away, mind moving to a different universe.

"Enemies to lovers huh..." Andre smirks, finishing his papers cause he got a feeling what they're gonna do tonight and it involves having his 3rd to 4th or 5th orgasm of the day and maybe a 1st for tomorrow.

Andre stops himself from smiling as he could see Steven approaching his bed in his peripheral vision.

A poke on his side and with a small voice calls, "Andre..." another poke.

Trying to keep a straight face, Andre puts his papers down and looked at Steven pouting. "Can I disturb you for a bit? Or can I help you with that so you can finish early?"

"I'm done." Steven brightens up and shyly smiles.

"I can use you as reference anytime right?" Andre was thinking of something else when Steven asked him that.

But not like this.

Having him heave a sigh as he give Steven a side-eye before rolling his eyes or scowling at him, cussing at him or bumping into his shoulder hard.

The spicy part was have him pull Steven by his elbows with a glare and Steven just giggles, typing away.


"Hmm?" Steven hums happily, swinging his feet that is dangling at the edge of his bed.

"I'm guessing you're making me do these things for your enemies to lovers trope." Steven nods enthusiastically. "Don't you feel the tension!?"

"What are they? In high school?" Steven frowns, "Guys don't have that rizz in my High School."

"Steven, you do know Enemies to Lovers is one of, if not the most spiciest trope to be?" Andre huffs out, quite disappointed at the turn of events not noticing Steven stop swinging his feet and the smirk that slowly forms his lips

"But of course. Aren't you frustrated right now?" Andre realizes what Steven is trying to do. Steven looks at Andre through his lashes. "Now what will you do?"

Turning tide to every Enemies to Lovers trope? Adult version at least, is to have high tension that results to pent-up frustrated sex.

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