FR • 10

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Steven snorted. "As if you read fiction. The only books I see you read are comics and academic textbooks."

"Why? does your book have physical copy?" Steven shuts his mouth, point taken.

"Oh right! you have." Steven was confused when Andre gestured to his body. "Me. I'm the physical copy."

Andre laughs at Steven's facial expressions and teased. "You're the one whose most likely to forget me once you publish your book and become a world renowned author and write more books, from fictions to novels to even scripts!"

Steven chuckled, "you look at me with such high regards, I doubt I can even publish one. It's just a hobby after all."

"Well, some skills started off as a hobby. Who knows? And when you do, don't forget to give me a shoutout and send me a signed copy. That way, I'm sure you and I won't be just a distant memory to one another." Steven giggles at the thought on what he'd write as a shoutout: To Andre Park, thanks for demonstrating the kama sutra?

"Hmm, maybe I'll print you one, the only copy in the world." Steven mumbles with a yawn, smiling as he snuggles close to Andre.

"Goodnight,Steven." Calmed, slow breathing answers Andre.

A buzz can be heard as Andre confidently walks through the halls of the opposite building to his. It's a rare sight as he really has no business to be there nor close friends to visit.

"Andre Park, fancy seeing you in our building... this early?" One of Steven's classmate eyes the guy from head to foot, totally checking him out.

"Yeah, I'm here to pass on Steven Choi's project due today? He's not feeling well at the moment." Andre's lips can't help but twitch, itching to show a knowing smile.

"Oh right, I guess the rumors about you being roommates since freshman is true?" The classmate accepts the papers Andre brought, no one had really confirmed the rumor as no one had seen the two interact until recently.

"It is. If you can, please do send notes to Steven for the classes he'll miss today." The classmate slowly nods, making sure to ask Steven some tea before sending the notes. It's Andre Park he's rooming with!

"Sure, will do." Andre gave a small smile and said thanks, turning around and exited the campus with a jog. Hurry to get back to Steven.

Steven moans, feeling someone's hands on him. He forced an eye open and was greeted with a half
-naked masseur.

"No monkey business I'm telling you Andre." Steven mutters, eyelids still feeling heavy.

"I promise... unless." Steven eyes snapped open to glare at his sexy living reference who gave him a deep chuckle. Hands up as if in surrender.

"What time is it?" Steven groans as he feels every muscle on his body aching especially his butt as moves to reach for his phone to check the time.

"Shit!" He abruptly sat up but winced at the movement while Andre took the chance to pull his shirt off behind him.

"And—oooh ok ok there! A bit lower on my wing!" Steven moans as Andre's hands managed to hit the pressure points on his back in all the right places but then again, at this point he'd feel relieved at any part of his body being rightfully hit as it's aching all over.

"I need to get up." Steven continues to mumble, eyes closing.

"I already passed your project and had you classmate inform your professor about your absence."

"You did? Thanks." Steven mumbles as he leans back and felt Andre's chest.

"Mmm, now lie back down, I'm not done." Steven sighs, suddenly feeling therapeutic as Andre rubs oil on his body like a real masseur he had experiences.

Well, until naughty hands slips inside his waistband. "Andre Park!"

"What?" Andre innocently asked, "I'm just rubbing oil on you." With his eyes still closed, Andre was amused to see Steven's face morph into a scowl. Still looking cute even upside down as Steven was leaning on his back on him.



"Where's my good morning kiss?" Steven opens his eyes and was greeted by upside down Andre, leaning down on him, hands finally away from his crotch.

Andre grins when Steven tilts his head up and a pout on his lips. He also pouts his lips before giving him a long peck. Making Steven giggle at the sight, his cute pout descending to his face, cute nose and cute boba eyes.

"Sit up so you can eat, I brought you soup and painkillers." Andre pinches his cheeks before sitting straight and assisting Steven to sit up.

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