Chapter 11: Domino Effect

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"For the hundredth time, Clanky!" he argued, hoisting the book corner further onto his shoulders as he heaved himself up the ridiculously large stairs. "That's not how a bookcase is supposed to go together!"

"I say that it is!" Clank fired back from up ahead. "When's the last time you built something fo' books anyway?"

"Last week!" Bobble seethed.

"But you don't even read!"

"I read way more than ye do, ye sorry excuse fer a snail-brain!"

"Oh, yeah? Since when?"

"I went to the library two days ago!"

"Only 'cause Tinker Bell was there!"

"That is beside the point!"

"No, I really don't think it is!"

"Look, all I am sayin' is that that shelf would have done so much better with the next screw size down, that's all!"

"And I'm saying that it's fine the way it is! There's no need to go and change what is already working!"

"But it could be so much better!"

The book hit the upper ledge of a step and rebounded, throwing both tinker fairies clear and sending the volume tumbling back down the flight and skidding under the dining table. Both sparrowmen groaned, Clank hovering above the railing and Bobble already hopping back down to retrieve the lost book. 

"Oh, couldn't ye have held on to that a wee bit better, Clank?" the redhead complained. 

"Hey, this isn't my fault! You weren't holding your share o' the weight!"  

"Forget about it. Come on," Bobble huffed, reigning back his irritation and leaping off the last step, landing gently on the hardwood flooring. "We best be gettin' this book to Miss Bell now. We've been keepin' her waitin' fer lon' enough already."

"Oh, yes," Clank teased in an abundantly over-the-top voice. "We mustn't keep the girlfriend waiting!" 

Bobble fought the urge to strangle him right then and there (it was a desolate, lonely spot, no one would ever know). "Clank! Stop it! She's not my girlfriend!" he hissed, though he was sure his face betrayed him. 

"Noooo," the sparrowman sang. "But you want 'er to be, don't ya? You're just too scared to tell 'er how you feel!"

"Oh, so we're playin' this game now, are we?" Bobble fired back, darting across the room and ducking around the legs of one of the chairs. "Well, what about you and Miss Sil, then, aye? Ye've been spending a lot of time with her lately. Are ye sure yer not afraid to tell her yerself?"

"That is not what's happening!" Clank protested, immediately seeing how the tables were being turned against him and not in a way that he liked.

"Ye know I don't believe ye," Bobble hummed victoriously, weaving around another set of legs and readjusting the shoulder strap on his bag. 

Clank noticed this and frowned."Why are you still carrying that around with you?" he inquired, pointing to the satchel. "You could 'ave left it with the others back at camp."

"I can't let it out of my sight," Bobble explained disinterestedly, scanning for where the book might have landed. "It tools in it. Aye, and I really didn't want to leave them fer someone to find and end up hurtin' themselves. I can't let fairies get hurt, remember?"

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