Chapter 15: One To Rule Them All

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No, you can't give them to him! It's all a trap, don't you see that? Can't you see what the pixie is trying to do?  He can't be trusted! No one can! They all desire power and control, they desire what they can do!

"I..." Bobble squeaked, gaze darting from Varnas's outstretched hand to his friends huddled behind the pixies, over to Scarab who looked just as confused but ready to fight should he say the word, and then he swallowed hard and turned back to gaze up at the taller sparrowman. "I don't know what yer--"

"Liar!" Varnas snapped before he could even finish. A hand shot out and before Bobble knew what was happening, a powerful gust of wind knocked him from his feet and sent him sprawling backward into the dirt. His friends cried out in alarm, but Hazeer and Hanna did not let them pass and Scarab continued to stare on, pale-faced and possibly on the verge of discovery. they couldn't have them...they...they couldn't. It wasn't right. They could not be trusted, not after what they had done...after...after the way they had treated his friends. He had...he had to protect them. This was not a negotiable solution. The pixies weren't trying to help them. They had only saved their lives so he would trust them enough to give them the bracelets.

Well, right now he was barely able to breathe, soaking wet, and he definitely did not trust them.

"Varnas, stop!" Scarab screeched, yanking herself free of Hanna's grasp and lunging for her spear. In an instant, Hazeer was in front of her, cutting off her path to her guildmate. 

"Scarab," the sparrowman warned dryly, resting a hand on her weapon and gently lowering the spear. "Don't."

"He's just a kid!" she went on pleadingly. "This has gone too far, all of it! Varnas, can't you see that you're scaring him? All of them?" She waved a hand to the rest of the fairies, all too petrified to move, and then to Bobble who continued to cower in the grass, too stunned to stand up. "What are you trying to accomplish here? The bracelets are gone! Gone forever and nothing you say or do can bring them back so please, stop hurting him!"

"I don't like liars," Varnas spat, eyes still fixed on the tinker. "You should know how that feels better than anyone. It is a great sin for a fairy to lie, but I think you already know that as well. You have made this far more complicated than it needed to be and you have put the fairies you call your friends in more danger than was ever necessary, so, for the fourth time, where did you hide the bracelet? Do not make me ask you again, sparrowman, or you will not like the outcome."

"I..I don't know what ye mean--" Bobble tried again and Varnas didn't even let him finish his protests before he was in his face, hauling him back to his feet and spinning him to face his friends. 

"Is this really who you call your Protector?" the pixie spat, shoving Bobble forward and sending him toppling back into the mud. "A weak, powerless, deceiver? I gave your kind one magical gift, one mission, and this is who you pick to defend you? Pathetic."

"Hey, Varnas!" Fawn yelled. "He doesn't have your stupid bracelets! If he had them, we'd know!"

"Yeah!" Clank added. 

"So leave him alone and go back to wherever you came from!" Tink snapped, stomping the grass impatiently. "We don't have what you want. We never did."

Varnas drew back slightly. "It seems we are not the only ones this boy has deceived." He sneered, watching Bobble struggle to stand back up. "Why don't you tell them the truth then, tinker? Why don't you tell them what really happened that night after you released Scarab from that spell, yeah? Why don't you show them what you did next?"

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