3- Kyo Sohma and Yuki Sohma

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Ezena's POV

Kyo, Kyo Sohma the cat of the Zodiacs. The short tempered one yet one of the most kindest one out there. Him and his rivalry with the rat is not unknown. The rat, Yuki Sohma, may look perfect but that guy is one of the most messy ones if not the most.

I don't get it... why do they do this. But whatever it is.. they are very loyal. Undoubtedly. Kyo's love for Tohru and Yuki's unknown crush on Machi Kuragi is just so calm yet dangerous. They can do anything for their loved ones. But they always get scared whenever their past is brought up.

I watch them... infact I watch over all of the Zodiacs. I maybe am like a stalker but what can I do? I am just so... interested about their lives? ..... That's a nonsense. I am not interested a tad bit in their lives. I just want to protect them but I am failing.

My eyes narrowed as I saw the view infront of me. It is rare to see Yuki and Kyo actually being civil since they are all conflicted with their own love life and stuff. This is not a good thing. I mean they are free to love but I am more worried about what Akito will do is she actually gets the confirmation that they are actually in love. Only God... hold on not Akito but I mean yk? God will know what happen.

The sad thing is Rin-nii disappeared without any trace and I am losing my shits!! It was done by either of those two bitches! Akito or her... mother? Whatever! That woman doesn't deserves to be called a mother and Akito doesn't deserves to be called a damn God!

"Ezena, how are you?" My eyes widened at the voice as I quickly turned around to meet eyes with Master Sihan. "Master, it has been a while," I said, bringing my hands upto a respectable stance. "You have grown quite taller since the last time I saw you... five years ago. I suppose your sudden appearance has a reason if I know you well enough," Master said as I nodded.

"Come in, Ezena. Let's talk," Master said as he went in the Dojo as I followed him into a room. Not just any room. It is my room. I used to live here at times before banishment so Master gave me a room.

"Master... why- why did you show Kyo-nii's true form to Tohru?" I asked him as he softly smiled before saying, "I wanted to see if Tohru would be disgusted by his true form and run away or will she stay despite his true form." I mean I kinda guessed it but it cannot be the only reason.

"Umm Master, do you by chance know where Rin-nii is? I saw her hugging Tohru a day or two back," I asked as Master lifted up his hand and patted my head. "My dear child, it is something you have to find out. It has been a while, you should pay a visit to your brother soon," Master said as I looked at him bewildered.

"B-but Master-," I stuttered as he said, "You should leave now my child." Saying that he got up and walked out of the room. I- I don't know what to do anymore.

I let out a sigh as I got up and walked towards the back door of the Dojo. My sense of smell is smelling a Zodiac member. No time to see who it is. I HAVE TO FIND OUT WHERE ISUZU SOHMA IS!!

Time Skip

Machi Kuragi, a girl who hates perfection. It is nice to see someone is actually making Yuki-nii feeling comfortable and loved unknowingly besides Tohru. I have known Machi. When I got banished, she was one of the people I liked. I hope they both can cherish esch other while they can.

Since... I was never able to cherish the person I liked or rather I loved. He never liked me back.. he never did. But it doesn't matters. What matters is to make sure this ass of a curse breaks. Up until now only Kureno-nii has his curse broken and he doesn't knows how it happened.

Is there a chance at all that the curse can be broken with chants and spells and stuff? Or does it just breaks like that at random? What in the world is going on!!

I sneaked in through a hole into the Sohma Estate once again as I sprinted towards the main house. Which was Akito's house. If I am not wrong then Kureno-nii is right now with Akito. After all he is like a baby chick following around mother hen even though Akito is nowhere near a mother figure. Ignoring that, where is that baby chick? Well after all he is the owner of the rooster spirit but he became a sparrow😶😶

Umm.. Whatever.

I soon reached Akito's house as I hid behind a tree. Guess I was not wrong. There is Kureno-nii, standing behind a few steps from Akito. It was as if Akito was confronting him. But... about what?
Some words reached my ears which sounded like, "Why did you betray me?" Akito asked to Kureno-nii.

My eyes diverted for a while only to return back again to see the ox, Hatsuharu Sohma.

The fuck why he is here? I am smelling Dark Haru. My wolfish instincts are not really helping at all. All of a sudden there was shouting and then a loud crash noise came to my ears. The hell? Haru just punched the wall beside Akito. That was not a miss, Haru refrained himself from punching that Akito! If I would've been there instead of him, that punch would not have landed beside Akito.

What the hell is HAPPENING?!?!


Well I guess Ezena is describing what she thinks of other Zodiac Members and how she is desperate to find out how to break the curse. Hehe, Ezena is working hard.

Hope you are still liking the story. I look forward for your all support.

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