14- Strained Relations

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It has been a long time ever since I updated and now I am back. I will update often. I was away for my school Carnival and Excursion and came back today only. Looking forward to you guys cooperation :)

Recap- We saw last time that Kureno Sohma has woken up and the siblings have a small conversation through which Ezena finds out what she will do next. She then goes to meet Tohru Honda, who is also in the hospital.

Ezena's POV

I took a step in to see Tohru having her eyes closed. Hearing the noise, her eyes fluttered open and she turned to look at me. A soft smiled graced her lips while I mimicked back her actions. I moved a few steps forward and took a seat on the stool.

"How are you feeling now?" I asked in a low voice. She smiled her usual smile and said, "I am feeling better, Ezena-san." "I heard how you fell down and .... everything else. I can guess that Kyo-nii did not come here to meet you right?" I asked hesitantly.

An emotion of pain flashed through her eyes as she remained silent. I could only softly gaze at her. I placed my palm on her hand while a soft smile slowly appeared on her lips. This smile had a lot of pain.

"I don't think Kyo-kun feels the same way I feel towards him. It's okay. I could only hope he finds someone better," she said, her voice almost inaudible.

"Tohru... trust me when I say this. Kyo-nii feels the same for you. He will come, I know that. And you should trust him as well," I said, squeezing her hand. Tohru smiled softly as she nodded. "Thank You, Ezena-san. I will wait. ... I promise." I smiled this time.

My eyes widened the moment when I heard the door of the room open. I turned around to see one blonde and a woman who was radiating stupid waves. They have to be Tohru's best friends.

The two of them looked at me in confusion, seeing my unfamiliar face. Regardless they flashed forward and hugged Tohru tightly as if I don't exist. That's fine. I understand where they come from.

After their sweet little session with each other, they both turned to glare at me. I shook my head internally, feeling the defensive actions from them for Tohru.

I introduced myself first, feeling the tension in the room, "Ezena, Ezena Sohma. I am one of the many Sohma's and a possible cousin to Kyo-nii and Yuki-nii." They both looked at each other and then back at me.

"Hanajima and Arisa right? I heard about you both from my elder cousins," I said, subtly lying through my teeth. This Arisa has to be my brother's love. Poor girl and poor boy. My brother is just the dumb one anyway.

They both nodded as I smiled. "Well then, please excuse me. I must take my leave. Before leaving, I will just say a bye to Kureno-nii. Bye Tohru," I said, waving. Purposely I brought up Kureno-nii, knowing that I would get a reaction from Arisa.

And I got it! Her eyes widened momentarily before she regained back her composure. "Ku-Kureno... w-who-", Arisa stuttered while I intentionally gave a look of bewilderment. "Well.. I think there is something you want to say. Why don't we talk outside?" I suggested.

I walked out first and then Arisa followed me. We both walked into a random hallway where there was a absence of people. Leaning against a wall I asked her, "It seems as if you know Kureno Sohma. How do you know him?".

She remained silent for a while before speaking, "H-he and I met in a store where I used of work. Me and him became friends later on but slowly I lost contact." "Oh, I see," I said softly, already knowing the information.

"Umm.. who is Kureno to you? Is he another cousin of yours? Or someone close?" Arisa asked as I awkwardly chuckled. The tad bit of sadness in the last question definitely did not go unnoticed by me. Jealousy eh?

But eww, liking your brother? That dumbass guy? Disgusting -_-! Even if he was not my brother, I would never like him! Who likes idiots? I don't. I better make it clear to her and I hope they start dating though:)

I started, "Don't we look alike? I mean I think we look alike?", "Uh.. no?" Arisa said while I chuckled.

"Well Kureno Sohma is my elder brother. He and I are siblings. Believe it or not, I am younger than you by a year I believe. Me and Kureno-nii have an age gap of 10 years and he is also like a father figure to me because of the age gap," I finished.

The look of shock was visible in Arisa Uotani's eyes. Therfore, I decided to drop the bomb. "Kureno-nii is in the hospital currently. He was stabbed by a Sohma family member due to some reasons. He seems to be fine now... or as the doctor says so. If you want you can visit him. He is in room number xxx."

All I got from Arisa was an, "Okay." I nodded and told my final words, "I have to go now. I am in a hurry. And Arisa... do not tell anyone that you know Kureno-nii was stabbed. Just pretend that you don't know how he is here in the hospital. Yes, I support you dating my brother. Best of luck. For now, excuse me. Bye".

I walked away without letting her say anything else. I think I made myself quite clear with my words as well as what I wanted from both of them. That should be enough. The final banquet is soon and I will attend this banquet even if I am not called.

I have to get a few things done. "Ezena-nee," I turned around to look at the owner of tbe voice. Hiro? I was taken off guard amd I stumbled back when Hiro came running and hugged me. The tsundere kid hugging me?

"Hiro.." I muttered softly, patting his back after I kneeled down to match his level. "I- I missed you Ezena-nee," Hiro said and his muffled voice reached my ears. "Aww, I missed you to Hiro. Now tell me, what are you doing here?".

"I came with Kagura-nee and Kisa to meet Tohru and Kureno-nii," he said. I grumbled and scolded him, "Why would you call Tohru by her name? Call her Tohru-nee okay?". He did not say anything while I rolled my eyes.

"Now go, Hiro. I will meet you soon," I said and was about to stand up when he said, "My- my curse... has broken." My eyes widened momentarily at the information before they softened.

"Well are you happy about that?" I asked. He looked at me in thought before nodding and saying, "Yes.. I am happy." "Well then that is all that matters, Hiro. I am glad that you are happy. Now go, take care. Bye kiddo," I said.

I smiled widely and ruffled his hair. His little blush made me chuckle and I slowly walked away after seeing him running off.


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