Characters and Setting

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Setting: Prologue takes place in California, early/mid 1910s. A cold, rainy night. Dipper's chapters take place in New York, mid 1920s, mostly in Stanley's apartment.
Mabel's chapters take place at the Mystery Shack, mid 1920s.


Dipper Pines: grew up with a hard life with his Grandpa Stanley, a drunk who's in deep debt. He's more like a slave or severnt then his grandson. He often gets into fights with kids on his street. His typical outfit includes a white(ish) button down shirt with an old timey vest over it, suspenders, fedora, black or brown trousers and worn boots. Never goes anywhere without his pocket knife. Age: 14

Mabel Pines: grew up a fairly simple life with her Great Uncle, Stan. Has a pet pig named Waddles and plenty of friends. She's a flirt and has all the guys in Gravity Falls drooling over her. She's pretty smart, but usually doesn't show it. Her typical outfit includes a flapper style dress, either high heels or flats, sometimes a hat or boa. She's a little more grown up then she's suppose to be. Age: 14

Stanford Pines: A con man who's a cheat and irresponsible

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Stanford Pines: A con man who's a cheat and irresponsible. Loves Mabel to death and wouldn't let anything happen to her unless he was lying there, dead. He doesn't have a lot of friends around Gravity Falls, but he sure has a lot of enemies. His typical outfit includes a tailored suit, fedora, gun, and freshly shined shoes. He's a terrifyingly good shot with a hand gun, so I wouldn't advise being his enemy. Age: no comment.

Stanley Pines: An unemployed, drunk who takes advantage of his young grandson. Everyone in their small apartment building knew exactly what happened to Dipper, but they didn't care enough to intervein. Let's just say Stanley isn't completly...sane. Typical outfit includes a rumpled, stained shirt, and pants in the same shape, a hand gun in one hand and a beer bottle in the other. Even though he's rarely sober, he scary accurate with that gun and keeps it loaded at all times. Age: no comment

Bill Cipher: Dream demon, stalker, typical Cipher

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Bill Cipher: Dream demon, stalker, typical Cipher. Just thought I'd let you know he's in here. (Or is it really that simple? Muhahahha!)

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