Chapter 22

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I knew I could get Dipper to follow me. He tried to act like I had forced him into something terrible, but I could tell he was excited. We were finally gonna know what Ford was hiding!

We peaked around the corner and found something we didn't expect. It was a huge underground lab. Ford was messing with a weird triangle thingy in a seperate room, but we could see it through the glass. The room looked very futuristic. Weird machines, the triangle thingy, really everything. It was creepy.

"We should go back up," Dipper said. "I feel like we're invading his privacy. If he didn't tell us about this, of course he didn't want us to find out."

I elbowed him. "Come on, Dipper! Aren't you at least the tinest bit curious?"

"Uh, no," he answered, but was lying. I smirked and grabbed him by the arm. "He's not paying attention," I said. "We'll be fine."

He still looked nervous, but followed me, facinated by all the diffrent devices as well. I picked up something and Dipper snatched itfrom me, putting it back. "Don't touch anything," he said. "You don't know what any of these things do!"

"Your a party pooper," I said, crossing my arms.

"I just...what if you get hurt?"

I smiled. "It's nice that you care Dipper, but we came down jere to look, didn't we? And I don't think that Grandpa Ford would hurt us."

"You saw the weapon he had earlier," Dipper said. He sighed. "Fine, if you get blown up, it's not my problem."

"I'm not gonna get blown up," I said. "Have a little faith, Brother of mine."

Dipper rolled his eyes. "Fine."

I went back to looking through the gagets in the room. Dipper found notes on the table and started reading them. It didn't seem much fun to me, but he looked intreuged. My hand was hovering over an invention when a voice suddenly shouted, "Stop!"

I froze and saw Dipper drop the papers. "G-grandpa Ford. W-we were just..."

He marched over to me and snatched the invention away. "These things are far tp dangerous for children to be messing with!" He growled. He turned towards Dipper, who visibly flinched. I guess some wounds never heal. "What do you think your doing looking through those papers?" Dipper's eyes shifted down to his socks. "I-I'm sorry Grandpa Ford," he said quietly. "We were just-"

"I was the one who pressured him down here," I admitted, not wanting Dipper to get in trouble for something he didn't do. "I wanted to know why you were down here all the time."

Ford sighed and rubbed his eues from under his glasses. "I'm...sorry...for getting mad at you two. Just, don't come down here again, alright? I don't want either of you getting hurt because of one of my inventions."

We both nodded our heads and turned to leave. When we rounded the corner to go upstairs, Dipper stopped. "Your calculations are wrong," he said quietly without turning his head. "You forgot to carry the three." With that, he walked in front of me and went upstairs. I glanced back at Ford. He picked up the paper looking puzzled, then his eyebrows shot up in suprise. "D-Dipper, Mabel, wait," he said. Curious, we both came down again. "Um," Ford started. "How about you guys help me around the lab. Be me, uh, lab assistants. Dipper, you can check my math and Mabel, um, you can..."

"Test weapons?" I asked hopefully.

Ford bit his lip. "I know I'll regret it, but sure. Just make sure you don't get hurt. Stanley will have my head if either one of you gets hurt."

We grinned at each other and I tackled Grandpa Ford with a hug, timidly followed by Dipper, whom Ford hugged back lightly. I saw progress, and I liked it.


What? An update?

Yeah, I've had some severe writer's block for this story and that's why it's so short and crappy. Not my best work. Aw well, I'll see you guys probably in another month or two (trust me, I don't even know it that's sarcastic or not)

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