Chapter 23

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"I'll kill you, Dipper Pines!"

I was breathing heavily, the journal pressed to my chest with white fingers clutching the book desperatly. Swear ran into my eyes, but I ignored it. I had to get back to the Mystery Shack!

I was grabbed my the arm by a tall, musculer man and another one wrenched the journal from my grasp. "No!" I gasped out. "Don't! You...can't!"

The man who had a grip on my arm lifted me up off the ground, forcing both my arms behind my back. It was as if I weighed nothing. The second body guard handed the journal to Gideon. The child giggled and opened the journal. "I see you didn't get enough of that demon last time. I think I'll give him another chance, don't you think?"

My eyes widened. "Gideon...p-please," I hung my head. "Please don't. J-just leave me alone." I had been serching in the woods for new anomalies for Grandpa Ford to study, but I had instead ran into Gideon and his new bodyguards. I had run for my life back to the shack, but there was no way I was going to outrun these guys.

Gideon giggled again at my plea. "It's entertaining watching you be posessed. You make a lot of dumb mistakes and funny movements since you're sleep deprived and constantly have the demon on your mind." He laughed at his small joke, but then his face suddenly turned serious. "Goodbye, Dipper Pine-" he was interupted when he got knocked back with a grappling hook to the head. His eyes rolled back and he went limp on the ground.

"Leave my brother alone!" Mabel yelled, branishing her new favorite toy above her head, looking slightly crazy. The guy holding me dropped me to the ground and the other one picked up Gideon and the journal. "Oh no you don't," I growled, taking my pocket knife out. The man growled and dropped the journal before retreating. I sighed, returning my pocketknife to my vest pocket and picked up the journal. "Thanks, Mabel."

She ran over and checked me over for injuries. Other than a few scratches that the branches had given me, I assured Mabel that I was okay.

Mabel threw her arms around me. "I was so scared! You'd been gone for a long time, and supper's ready, and it's getting dark...I didn't know what to think..."

I smiled and returned the hug. "I'm fine, really."

She finally let me go then scrubbed tears out of her eyes. "Stupid emotions."

I smiled. "Thanks Mabel for the save back there."

Mabel smiled. "Well, if your not hurt, let's get back to the Shack before dark. Who knows what we might run into."

She grabbed my hand and we walked through the woods together.


"Dear Diary," I read as I wrote. "Being Grandpa Ford's assistances is so great! Teating out all of his inventions is a lot of fun and Dipper loves checking his math (though I'm sure Grandpa Ford makes mistakes on purpose). We have seen many diffrent monsters in the woods, big and small. Bad and not as bad." I yawned and glanced over at Dipper. He was fast asleep. "Dipper had a run in with Gideon today, but he's okay. I wish that kid would just leave my brother alone. I guess sleep is the best medicine for now. Dipper has opened up to me a lot since we first met. I can now hug him and hold his hand without him jumping or looking terrified. He will now even let Grandpa Ford ruffle his hair and shake his hand. Now the only thing we have to take care of to make Dipper's life a fantasy is send Gideon packing and get him to marry Wendy." I drew a tiny sketch of Dipper and Wendy holding hands and drew one of Dipper's rare smiles. He was smiling more, but they always looked a little forced, like he had forgotten how to be genuenly happy. I drew little hearts around Wendy and Dipper's picture.

"Dipper's been having nightmares lately, but he refuses to tell them to me. It makes me sad. I wished he trusted me more..." I drew a sad face. Then I shut my diary, hiding it under my pillow. With one last glance at Dipper, I blew out my candle and closed my eyes. I would most likely get woken up by Dipper's sobs in twenty minutes, so I decided to get some rest now.


As soon as Mabel's light went off, I cracked my eyes open. I waited five minutes before getting up, slipping on my shoes and jacket, grabbing my pillow and blanket, then slipping silently out the door. I hated doing this, but my nightmares were getting worse. I didn't want to keep Mabel up all night because I'm screaming or crying. Wendy had showed me a secret hiding place on the roof where she would hang out in at work occasionally and rest. I dragged my stuff up the steps and into the chilly summer night. I sat on my pillow and wrapped myself tightly in my blanket tp keep warm. Don't fall asleep, you'll just scream.

I'd thought that I was more sleep deprived then I thought when the world went black and white. I looked around, blinking. What the...

"You look a little confused, Pine Tree."

I gasped and jerked my head around. "B-B-Bill?"

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