Chapter 14

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It had been almost a month since Dipper and Grandpa Ford had come to live with us when Dipper started acting weird. He would often forget words or people or what he was just doing. He would be walking, stop and look around confused, then keep walking, though a little uncertainly.

After about the fifth time he did that in a row, I stepped in front of him. "Dipper, are you feeling okay?"

Dipper shrugged. "Not sure. I think I might be coming down with something. But I'm sure it's just a cold."

He did looked a little pale and he had dark circles under his eyes.

"Well, if it's just a cold..."

"I'm fine, Mabel," Dipper said with a small smile. "I think I'm just going to lie down for a bit."

"Okay. See you later."

He waved slightly as he walked up the stairs.


Wendy and I were sitting outside the shop watching the sun set drining cokes. "How's your brother liking Gravity Falls?" She asked.

"He likes it a lot," I said, tempted to tell her about his giant crush on her, but I held my tounge. "I'm really happy to have a brother."

"Well I've got three," Wendy said. "And a word of advice, they get worse as they get older. Of course, I've also never had a twin before. At least you don't have older brothers."

I smiled. "Yeah, I guess. He seems a lot more comfortable around us now. And now that our Grandpa's staying, he doesn't think about New York."

Wendy leaned back on the post behind her. "I think it's really cool that you found your twin."

I sighed. "Yeah, it was.



I took the book out from under my bed. I hadn't wanted to expore the one I found in New York until I'd figured out the one that Mabel had, but this was an emergency. Mabel was hanging out with Wendy and Grunkle Stan and Stanford were fishing. They'd be home soon, so I'd have to hurry.

I opened the book up to the page on demons. I skimmed it, looking for a way to get his out of my bed when I saw the words Never let him into your head! on one of the pages. Too late now, I thought.

There was a page that said you could enter the person's mind and follow the demon, but I'd rather not have Mabel or anyone else in there.

It's the only way, Pine Tree, the voice in my head said.

Go away, I said

You can't get rid of me that easily, Bill said, obviously enjoying himself. I am a demon after all.

I sighed out loud. "Get out of my head!" I screamed.

Just then, the door to the Mystery Shack opened and I could here Grunkle Stan and Stanford laughing.

Let's just keep this between us, alright kid? Tell someone, and I'll erase your entire brain. You'd be as smart as a mewling baby!

Are you threatening me? I asked.

Maybe I am? Whatcha gonna do about it.

Suddenly, I got a terrible migraine. I groaned and curled up in my bed, arms over my head. Stan and Ford's laughter hurt me and tears brimmed my eyes.

I told you I could give you quite a headache, Bill said, sending another wave of pain through me.

"You okay Dipper?" Someone yelled. It felt like my head was on fire. I groaned and tears slipped down my face. I could hear footsteps, and my migraine was getting worse. I didn't want to move or open my eyes, I just wanted it all to stop.

"Dipper?" Someone said. "Are you okay?"

They words were meant to be gentle, but it felt like a spike was being driken through my skull.

"What's wrong with him?" Someone asked. Stanly, it was Grunkle Stan.

"I think he has a migraine," someone else said. This time it was Grandpa Ford.

More tears slipped down my face as Ford touched my forehead. I winched at the pain and a small groan escaped my lips. "We have to be very quiet," Ford said. "Then it won't hurt him." They quietly exited the room and the pounding turned into more of a throb. I was feeling drained and eventually fell asleep.

The sleep didn't help much. Bill was waiting for me. "So, you see what I can do?"

I nodded, but didn't say anything. I didn't want to talk to the demon inside my head right now. I just wanted some restful sleep.

"Oh, so you want me gone? Fine." He snapped his fingers and the room went dark and I fell through the floor.

But, for the first time in a while, I had a restful night.


The house was stangely quiet when I got home. Stan and Ford were whispering quietly in the kitchen. I walked in. "What's everybody whispering about?" I asked.

"Shh!" The said at this same time.

"Dipper has a migraine," Ford said. "You have to be quiet."

I nodded. "Okay."

I quietly made my way up to our room. Dipper was curled up on his stacked mattresses holding his head, but he was breathing the way you do when your fast asleep.

I walked over to his bed and pulled his covers over him and kissed his lightly on the forehead. "Sweet dreams, brother."

I glanced down and saw a familiar looking book by Dipper. I picked it up and looked at the cover. I gasped. It was a book with the number three on a golden six fingered hand. I had the same two but with 1 and 2 on the front of it. Dipper and I had gone through number one since we met and I hadn't told him about the second one yet. Now it turns out there's a third one?

I opened to the page he had been looking at and set it down by Dipper again. I crawled into bed and turned off the light. I'd ask him in the morning, but for now, I'd let him sleep. He so rarely did.

And with that, I drifted off too.

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