Chapter 4

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After lunch the next day, I decided to take a walk in the woods. I'd read the books a little bit in my free time. They said that there were these magical creatures in Gravity Falls. I didn't believe them, and just to prove that to myself, I took this walk.

I'd been walking for about an hour when I almost fell into a river. Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "Whoa!" Said a voice. "We wouldn't want you to fall in there, a pretty girl like you."

I spun around to see the most handsom guy I've ever seen. I fwlt my cheeks start to burn. He smiled at me, showing my a little gap in between them. "H-hey," I said with a stupid smile on my face.

"I seem to be lost," the guy said. He had a mexican accent. "Do you live around here?"

"Uh-um, y-yeah," I said, nodding. "My grunkle owns a gift shop slash museum in the woods about an hour this way," I said, pointing towards the Mystery Shack.

"Would you mind taking me there so I can use your telephone?"

My smile widened. "Sure!" I said, my voice going an occtive higher then normal. I cleared my throat. "Um, I'm Mabel."

The boy smiled. "My name is Mermando."

I noticed he was holding a gutar case. "Do you play?"

He nodded. "A little bit."

"Wow," I said. "Would you mind playing for me when we get back?"

Mermando shrugged. "I don't see why not."

I felt like I would start floating I was so happy. "So where does your family live?" I asked, starting to walk towards the Mystery Shack, Mermando following.

"By the ocean," he answered. "In Mexico."

"Do you speak Spanish?" I asked.

Mermando nodded. He was playing with a neckles he was wearing. "What's that?" I asked.

He stopped. "Oh," he said, showing me the neckles. I went to touch it, but he drew back. "I'm sorry," he said. "It's very important to me, and I don't like people touching it. I wouldn't want it to break.

I nodded. Mermando was the best! I can't wait until he meets Grunkle Stan!


I was up in my room when Stanley yelled, "Kid!"

I jumped and grimnced. He didn't sound too happy. I set aside the book I was reading and went out to the living room. There, standing there, was a very angry looking grandfather. "What happened to my journal?" He screamed.

I gulped. "Uh, w-what are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb with me!" Stanley growled. "You stole it! Now go get it."

"Well...," I said, holdimg the word out. "That might be a little difficult."

Stanley crossed his arms. "Go get it."

I stuck my hands in my pockets and wouldn't meet Stanley's eyes. "Well, you see, funny story actually...uh, a hold of it."

"What!?" Stanley roared.

"I was taking a walk, I got in a fight, and he got the book," I said, trying to defend myself.

"Gideon took you down?" Stanley asked in confusion. "You're like half a head taller then him!"

"He had two other guys with him," I explained hastily. "I could've been killed and you wouldn't have given a crap about it!"

Stanley grabbed me by the shirt and shook me. "Why can't you be more like you're father?!"

I swollowed. "Is there a reason you never talk about him?" I asked. I got angry. "Why don't I know who I am? It was you're fault that I don't know who I am. Who were my parents? Where did they live? Did I have any siblings?"

At the last question, Stanley froze. Then he got angry. "Go to you're room!"

"Why?" I challenged. "Why should I even listen to you? You've never even cared about me! You haven't been sober ever since I've been here! This is all you're fault why the police are always watching me and why no one wants to be my friend! The only reason I'm such a-a loser, is because of you!"

Stanley shoved me. "I said, go to you're room!"

"Why won't you tell me?" I begged.

"You don't need to know," Stanley said.

I balled up my fists, stomped to my room, and slammed the door. I ran to my desk and started to flip through a bunch of maps of the U.S. and found one of Oregon. There were almost all the cities there. I scanned through it and found Gravity Falls. I folded up the map and stuffed it in a bag along with some clothes and things that I might need for a trip.

At midnight when I was pretty sure that Stanley was asleep, I grabbed some food and a water bottle. With my bag slung over my shoulder, I slowly opened the door without a sound.

I had to find out who I was, no matter what.

But first, I had to steal the journal back from Gideon.


So, kinda a fast ending, because I wanted to say that I've missed y'all so much! But camp was awesome and I am dead tired right now.

So yeah, here's the update.


Sidenote: are any of you from Nebraska, because I was there for like a week.

So yeah, short chapter but I'm working on it!

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