Chapter 17

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The stupid demon was interuping my sleep again!

He wasn't even saying much. He just sat there like he owned the place and pretended not to notice me when he played with things in my mind. He played horseshoes, read my books, played with my pocketknife, anything he could think of or get his hands on really.

"Okay," I finally said. "If you're not gonna talk to me, can you at least give me a restful sleep?"

"No deal," the demon said.

"Why are you here then?"

"To annoy you."

I sighed. This was gonna be a long night...


"What's wrong with you?" Mabel asked at the breakfast table.

"I had some trouble getting to sleep," I mumbled.

"The demon in your head still talking to you?" She asked.

I just nodded.

Aparently she didn't realize I wanted this conversation to be over. "You sure your okay with him in your head? Maybe we should try and find a way to get him out.

I shrugged. "I guess so."

"Is there something your not telling me?" Mabel asked.

There was. I found a way to get the demon out in the book I found, but that involved someone going into my mind. I really did not want Mabel or anyone else looking around in there. It would be a place even I wouldn't want to venture into.

I was saved from the question when Stan entered the room. He was reading the newspaper. "I tell ya," Stan said. "I'm thinking one of these days the stock market is gonna fall so hard that the whole country will be in a depression!" He glanced up at us. "Morning kids," he said.

"Morning Grunkle Stan," Mabel said with a smile.

"What's up with you?" Stan asked me.

I shrugged. "I just didn't get much sleep last night. Where's Ford? I need to talk to him."

"Out," Stan said. "He'll be back later. You can talk to him then."

I nodded. "Okay." I had seriously been consitering telling Grampa Ford about the demon in my head. Ever since he dropped alcohol, I began realizing how cool of a guy he was. He was super smart and he would tell me and Mabel stories about the dangerous creatures of Gravity Falls. I also learned more about his life before my parents died. He had lived in Gravity Falls after graduating collage and moved here, intriged by the rumors of strange beings. He was the smartest man in New Jersey before something happened to him. He refused to tell me what it was. Whatever it was, it drove him to drown out the memories with so much alcohol that he couldn't even remember anything that happened when the booze cleared. He and Mabel were the only ones I felt I could trust with the secret demon inside my head.

It was my turn to work the cash register today. Mabel went up to her room to do who knows what. Looked like it was going to be just another, boring day.

"Hey, Dipper," a voice at the door said. I froze. Wendy.

"Wendy!" I said, my voice jumping up about three octives. I cleared my throat and continued. "W-what are you doing here?"

"I work here, doofus," Wendy said with a smirk. She sat down next to him. This was going to be a long day...


I found the book I was looking for. Dipper had the missing one from the set. I flipped through it until I found the page about the demon. There! I read over how to get the demon out, more or less. It involved entering the person's mind and fighting off the demon from the inside. I decided that I would try tonight, no matter what Dipper said. Actually, I decided not to tell Dipper. He would probably say no. I closed the book with a bookmark in case I needed the page and stuck it under my bed.


Later that night, Dipper was procupied to notice me staring at him from under the covers, wishing he would go to sleep. Overything was ready. All I had to do was wait for Dipper to fall asleep, and who knows how long that will take!

I finally heard soft snores from my brother. I slipped out of bed and got everything set up. As quietly as I could, I whispered the chant. Before I knew it, everything went white and slowly faded to look like a photograph. I saw a run down building, several allys, the Statue of Liberty, a building on fire, and a worn down playground. It all looked very depressing to me. I entered the run down building, which I found out held many doors. I opened one and found a moving image of Dipper sitting by his old bedroom window, watching it rain. I closed the door and tried to keep moving forwards, but curiosity lead me to open another one of the doors. I heard Gideon's voice. "Stay still Little Dipper. Listen to me when I'm talking to you!"

Two bigger boys were holding onto Dipper's arms as he tried to escape. He had a bloody nose and a black eye and years slowly dripped down his face. He looked about eleven.

Gideon was holding a knife in his hand. "I'm gonna teach you a little lesson about mannors," Gideon said with a smirk. I shut the door, not wanting to see any more. Dipper certainly had a darker past than I did. No wonder he couldn't get to sleep at night, even if he didn't have a demon in his head.

I couldn't resist one more peak, so I opened another door at random. This one was where I guessed Dipper had lived in New York. It looked like a kitchen.

"Shut up, ya useless kid!" I heard a very drunk Grandpa Stanly yell. There was a sickening sound as a fist came out and hit Dipper. He cried out. He looked about nine.

"P-p-please stop, Grandpa," he whimpered. "It hurts!"

"Darn right it does!" Another hit. "I'm gonna teach you a lesson about lying to me, ya hear?"

I closed the door. I was seriously surpried that Dipper didn't have mental issues. I decided to leave Dipper to his privace and resist openeing any more doors. A couple were opened and I caught several random images, a fire, bullies, Wendy, me, Stan, Ford, some weird yellow triangle, reading and several other things. I even saw Dipper once self-inflict pain upon himself. I couldn't help but want to exit my brother's brain and give him a great big, tearful hug, but I first had to get this demon out of Dipper's head, and nothing was going to stop me!

Yay! An actual update!!
Crappy and Cliffhanger, yeah, I know. It's my writing style.
It's like 11 at night, so sorry for any grammical mistakes I may have made.
Oh, and we just started learning about the 20s today in History, so hopefully I'll make this seem more that era.
Thanks and goodnight all!

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