Chapter 8

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Oh, gosh I forgot how many people actually read this!
I'm sorry for that cliffhanger!!

I woke up feeling ten times better then how I was. I blinked the sleep out of my eyes and stood up. There was a girl about my age staring at me. I jumped a little. "W-who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Mabel," the girl said. "Mabel Pines."

"Pines?" I said. "That's my last name!"

"I know," the girl said. She looked me in the eye, dead serious. "I'm your sister."

I blinked. "Uh, I don't have a sister."

"Yes you do," the girl said. "Your in Grunkle Stan's house right now. Our parents died when we were three and you went with our Grandfather, while I went with our Great Uncle Stanley."

"But why?" I asked

Mabel shrugged. "They don't get along. You should have heard Stan yelling on the phone last night. Stanford seems upset. Said you ran away."

I hugged my knees. "And what if I did? Are you going to force me back there?"

Mable shrugged. "You'll have to ask Stan." She stood up. "Can I get you anything?"

I shook my head, then had second thoughts. "Wait, do you have food?"

Mabel smiled slightly. "Of course we do, dummy. Can you stand? It was kinda scary when you collapsed like that."

I stood up, black spots dancing in front of my eyes. I blinked them away. "Sorry about that." I still couldn't grasp that this was my sister.

Mabel smiled, revelaling braces. "So what's Grandpa Stan like?"

I shrugged. "He's okay," I lied. I didn't really want to tell her all the horrible things he did to me when he was drunk.

"I think you're gonna like Great Uncle Stanley," I said. "He's nice and he's been sort of like a dad to me. I mean, other then keeping it a secret that I had a twin brother."

Man, this girl liked to talk!

"Oh!" She said, as if just remembering something. "Remind me to introduce you to Mermando! I think you'll like him. I know I do." Her face reddened. "Um, I mean...he's nice and all. And he can play gutiar." She cleared her throat. "So, what do you want for breakfast?"

We made it to the kitchen. "I don't care," I said.

"Okay," Mabel said. She led me to a chair and sat me down. Then she went around, making me what looked like a three course breakfast. "How do you like your eggs?" She asked me.

"Cooked," I said.

Mabel giggled. "Okay, Captain Obvious."

She gave me the eggs, then toast and butter, then muffins and a glass of orange juice. I was so hungry that I finished it all in record time. I had to admit, Mabel was an excellent cook.

Just as I was finishing up my last bite of toast, a boy walked in. "Oh!" Mabel said, jumping up from her chair. "Mermando, this is my secret twin brother Dipper. Dipper, this is Mermando, my friend. He lives in Mexico." She went into explaining why he was here. I just nodded and waved to Mermando nicely. "Hey."

"Hola," Mermado said with a spanish accent. He turned to Mabel. "I was wondering, would you like to talk a walk in the woods later?"

"Would I!" Mabel exlaimed. Then stopped. "Um, I would love to, but...Dipper. I can't leave him here alone. Not when he doesn't know anyone."

"I don't know you either," I pointed out.

"Uh-uh!" She protested. "We're twins, remember? We've got a special connection." She poked me in the head.

"Ow," I complained. "What was that for?"

Mabel shrugged. "You know, I always felt like something was missing in my life. Then you come along! It all makes sense now!"

"Did Stanley tell you why we were split up?" I asked.

Mabel shrugged. "He said that they both wanted us, but they couldn't stand each other. So they split us up."

"Well that's stupid," I said bluntly.

Mabel shrugged again. "Oh well. We met each other now, and now," she gasped. "I can give you a tour around town! And you can meet Wendy and Soos! They're working at their garage today, since Mermando is working now." She grabbed my hand and I instinctivly pulled away. I could see the hurt in Mabel's eyes, but she didn't say anything. "Coming Mermando?"

He shook his head. "I sadly have to work."

"Oh, okay," Mabel said sadly. "Come on Dipper."


I discovered Dipper wasn't the touchy, feelsy type. Whenever I touched him, even a tap on the shoulder, he flinched. I started to wonder what his past life was like. "So," I said, trying to make conversation. "You lived in New York?"

Dipper nodded.

"Cool!" I said. "Is it really as great as they say?"

Dipper shrugged. "It's okay, but a little on the dangerous side."

I nodded. "Okay, then Gravity Falls is going to be about polor opposite. There's a couple weirdos and creeps, but it's a tiny tourist town. There's a bunch of weird legends that go along with the woods." I pointed to the forest off the road. "But I've been in their hundreds of times and I'm still alive. Their just myths."

Town was in sight. I went to grab Dipper's hand and stopped. "Come on," I said, started to run. He ran after me. When we got into town, I stopped and brushed off my dress. "Okay, there's the bookstore, the café, the grociers, and here we are! Soos and Wendy's machine shop!"

I led Dipper through the small crowd of people and went to the back of the store. I rang the bell and Soos came out to meet us. "Hey Mabel," he said. "Who's that?"

"Soos," I said. "Get Wendy! I have some amazing news!"

Dipper followed me through the door,looking awkward. His hands were in his pockets and he was looking around the storage room. He looked like he wanted to ask a question, but kept his mouth shut.

Wendy came through the door a minute later and I honestly thought Dipper would faint. His mouth opened slightly and his cheeks were burning red. I decided I'd save him the embaressment and ask him about it later.

"Hey, Mabel," Wendy said. "Who's this?"

"Wendy, Soos," I announced. "This is my long lost twin brother Dipper Pines."

Wendy and Soos were speachless. "Twin?" Wendy stuttered. Then her face broke out into a smile. "That is so cool!"

Soos smiled. "Yeah! You two look almost exactly alike."

"Hey, you talk?" Wendy asked Dipper.

", I...y-yeah," Dipper said, his face burning even brighter. I stifled a chorkle. We may look similar, but our personalities were totally different.

"I'd love to talk more," I said. "But I think I should finish giving Dipper the tour."

Soos nodded. "See you around, Ham Bone."

Wendy ruffled my hair then turned to my brother. "It was nice to meet you, Dipper."

Dipper just flushed a brighter shade of red and hurried out the door.

I caught him glancing behind his shoulder at least once more before we exited the machine shop.

Kinda hard to stay with it sounding 1920s, so I kinda just gave up...sorry

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