Chapter 15

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I woke up feeling better then I had in weeks. I'd gotten a good night's rest and my migraine was gone. I glanced at Mabel's bed but she wasn't there. The journal I was reading was still lying open my my head. I yawned and got up. I hadn't gotten undressed the night before so I just put my hat on and went downstairs to the kitchen.

Everyone else was awake and eating, but Grampa Ford looked exausted. There were dark bags under his eyes and he was spilling his coffee as he drank it. I wondered if it was something to do with his alcohol withdrawl.

I sat next to Mabel and started eating.

"You feeling better, kid?" Stanly asked me.

I nodded. "My migrane's gone. I feel a lot better."

"All you needed was a good night's rest."

I nodded. You don't know that half of it.

Bill's voice was quiet for the first time in a long time. I could actually think straight and without him interupting my thoughts. Whenvyouve got a demon in your head, it makes trying to have conversations really hard.

"So," Stanly said, rubbing his hands together. "I thought it would be a fun idea to have a little bonding time."

"Like what?" Mabel asked.

"I was thinking fishing," Stan said.

"Fishing?" Mabel said, disgust in her voice. "But it's so boring! I know! How about we go shopping!"

The other three groaned softly.

"What?" Mabel asked.

None of the males, wisely, said anything.

Mabel sighed. "Fine, we can go fishing. But you owe me a shopping trip."

"Deal," Stan said.

"If it's all the same with you," Ford said. "I'll stay here."

Stan nodded. "Okay. Just me and the kids then."

"Aww," Mabel said. "But I wanted us all to be there." Mabel said. "It could have been one big sibling bonding time!"

"I'm sorry Mabel," Ford said. "But I'm really busy right now."

Mabel put on a pouting face, but said nothing.

I wondered what was wrong with Ford. He looked awful. He was always such a secretive person. I remember the photograph of us all looking happy. What had happened to him.

"Mabel," Stan had taken control now. "Get the poles! Dipper, dig for the worms! I'll get everything else!"


"Are you sure it floats?" I asked Stan.

"Of course it floats!" Stan said.

I looked at the boat skeptically. The words Stan O' War was written on the side, harshly faded.

"Me and Ford had a dream of sailing the world looking for buried tresure when we were kids, so we made this boat. It's never failed me yet."

"When was the last time you used it?" I asked.

"Doesn't matter," Stan said. He got into the boat, followed by Mabel. "Come on, brother," Mabel said. "Unless you're a scardy cat."

I glared at her and got in the boat. It didn't sink, so maybe it was more sturdy then I thought. Stan handed us both a paddle. "Get rowing you two," he said. I'll make sailors out of you yet!"

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