Chapter 1

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-Samantha's POV-

"No! I'm not going with you!"  I jump out of my bed and collapse to the floor and stay there a while. The people in the room run in urgency to help me up. I don't want their pity. I don't need any help.

"Sam calm down!" Melissa tells me. No I won't calm down this is insane I'm not going to-

Oh wait. You're probably confused, right? Here let me start when all of this began.  

      Today is the day. My day.

      The alarm clock on the nightstand is playing stupid beeping to wake me up. I squinted taking in my surroundings. Around the room was my red duffle bag in the corner, that I've had for years now. Once I get some spending money I'm replacing that. It had very few clothes flowing out. It was by the window that blinded me. I walked over, well.. more like zombied over. As I basically dragged my feet on the carpet stumbling. Grunting and sticking my hands out trying to find the curtains to shut the window. I looked out side to see a grey sky but the sun out, with birds chirping along the branches.  I sighed and yanked the curtain close.

      I went back to the bed and just lay there. My alarm went off at 7:00 am. The white ceiling is so boring. Why didn't the owners ever think to put a painting up there or something? When you can't sleep you just stare, so why make it so boring? Bring some life into the room! Like more people would spend the night somewhere if they had something to look at. Just saying more business here people. Why am I even thinking about this? 

 "Ughhhh" I just slapped the alarm clock to knock off it's racket. "Five minutes.... Five simple minutes is what I want"  mumbling, and my eyes went heavy. 

      "Mommy did you see me huh, huh? Wasn't that cartwheel amazing?" I was six and my older brothers Justin being 12 and Jake being 15 were fighting in our Suburban. This was a totally normal afternoon for us. Us being kids and parents being parents. We were the typical, all American family.

"Yes sweet heart, you are getting quite good at those! Now can you run in the house and tell your father to hurry up?" she said sweetly. My mom was gorgeous she had strawberry blond hair and dark green eyes, I wanted to be as pretty as she was when I was six, she was my idol. Everything she did had me stay in awe, from simple putting on make-up- to making us turkey for Thanksgiving. She had made promies to me that she would teach me the simple thing like that in life. And she never broke her promises.

"Well I would buuutttt you wont tell me where we are going! Please I promise I wont say a word to Jake and Justin!" I gave her those huge innocent puppy eyes and finished it with the curled pouty lip. She just smirked and smacked my tush lightly signaling me to go fetch my dad. 

"fine..." I tried to be mad but my mom was my mom, she just dramatically rolled her eyes at me. I giggled and skipped off to fetch my dad. My dad was at work constanly I never truly understood what he worked as but it was something to do with the military. He made me feel safe. I was daddy's little princess and he was my dad. It was days like these you had to treasure. Making the most of it when he could be around my family.

      Once I was about to attempt, ( I was too short for the door knob) opening the door. My dad swung our blue door and ran to the car tickling me. My uncontrollable laughter resulted in me kicking him where the sun doesn't shine. He put me down handing me off to my mother, while my whole family, except my dad who doubled over in pain, laughed at my actions. I didn't know why they were laughing at my dad who was in serious pain but they did.

She buckled me in my booster, separating Justin and Jake. As he hoped in and drove our car. It was quiet and the anticipation was rushing through me. I started bouncing up and down excitedly and starting the whole 'are we there yet' routine. Because the cunning person I am, I knew that they would tell me to shut my trap.

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