Chapter 13

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Sam’s POV

I’m excited to see the boys, because I’ll actually be able to see them. My vision had gotten worse over the last few days. I had informed Melissa about this and she said she had an idea. Never did I think that ‘idea’ involved surgery. It’s not like have somebody else’s eyes. No. It’s laser eye surgery. But I like to think of it as somebody cleaned the lenses that are my eyes. Sounds weird, I know.

I’m starting to feel a bit guilty for treating the boys the way that I did. I just don’t want their sympathy or anything. Pity is the last piece of shit I’ll be taking from them. Their hearts mean well. My conscious tells me.

I know. Is my answer.

Why did I act so distant? Well it started Wednesday morning


“Good Morning Sam!” The first words that have been said this morning. Why is it a good morning? Why not a great morning? Or just a basic morning? These are the questions I ask myself every day, and at everything. I don’t know why. I have the need to know what is going on at all times and understanding people’s behavior. Maybe that way I’ll appear normal when I do leave.


“Why what?”

Why is it a good morning?”

“It could be any type of morning that you want” She pauses and looks to me. “What morning do you want it to be?”

“Fair enough,” I smile “maybe it’s a dull morning” it could be, well, it basically is one everyday. Sitting every day in a hospital. Waiting to leave. The grey sky outside agrees with me. It’s boring.

“That’s impossible,” She’s the one who’s smiling now “five teenage boys in your room, and you don’t have fun? Seems highly inaccurate”


“Really? Eh?  None of my business anyway. I just know lots of girls would kill to be in your position”

I raise an eyebrow. Why the hell would a girl want to not be able to in my position? ‘Yeah I want to forget my life and not be able to never deliver children!’ Because that sounds like fun!

“I mean hanging out with them, the boys” she covers. Why are they special?

“Why” Melissa visibly pales like what she just said was a deep dark secret of her best friend.

Chuckling nervously she responds “You ask a lot of ‘whys’ you know that?” Her answer leaves me un-amused. What is special about those boys?

“Anyway have you thought about when you leave?”  Yes


“Oh, well you should start”

“Wh- I mean what do you suggest?”

“Uhm well those boys seem like would except you with open arms and -”

Snorting “No, I could never”


“Melissa this conversation is over” Her suggestion set me a tad over. Overreacting? Yes. I’m trying not to but I’m not going to come graveling on my knees, and beg them for a roof over my head. Why would they even live together? If I lived with only one that would be only worse. In the same building with one male. Then I’d have nowhere to run.

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