Chapter 10

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~( A/N:  Anytype of comments get me to write sooner, as well as more reads! So If you wish to read the next chapter quicker just fan, comment, follow, vote, or mention my story to others. Really simple :) I hope I don't sond harsh or anything. Did not meant for this note to be like that! Just would hope my book to be more sucessful! This dedication is to her because her books are AMAZING and I'm like just SHTAP IT and SHOW ME YOUR WAYS ADJKSQAWSEDRFTYD Okay I think you are ready for the story! )~

Samantha POV

"Hello hun" Melissa beams at me. I of course, reply with a frown. Where are the boys? I probably scared them off. Oh well not like I need them any way. I'll do just fine on my own. You know maybe I'll see my parents! They could show me child hood memories in scrapbooks people have. Then I would get embarrassed by bathtub photos or how I was a messy eater. Everything can go back to normal, or somewhat of it. But something felt missing to all of this.

Nothing would just go back the same way.

But why?

"Uh what happened exactly?" I stammered out.

"Well you had an panic attack."

"But how?I get those? I'm confused"

"That's all ok dear. One of the boys must have said something to upset you. You may have been reminded by a not-so-pleasant memory, or have been overwhelmed by words. Nothing the less your heart beat was beating above on what you could handle. Which resulted in quickening breaths, and not consuming enough oxygen."

"Does this happen often?" Gesturing to myself. I felt like a mess. Well I am one. Just my image alone. Not even wanting to do into detail wIth that, I feel like shit as well.My hair is a rat's nest, sticky stained cheecks from crying, a bandage wrapped on my head, and to finish the look my eyes are blood shot from all my crying. And eveything is still hard to see!

"What do you mean?"

"Well my situation, stupid things keep coming along. I'm just a mess."

"Explain further sweetie" UGH Melissa you are suppose to understand me... honestly I can't belive I'm venting all this out. I sigh looking down. Running my right hand through my tangled up hair.

"Ok first my eyesight is horrid, then I have no memory of like anything, next I started freaking out earlier in front of those guys, and to top it all off I have an asthma attack. Honestly Melissa I just want to snuggle in a warm bed at home, and I- I don't know where I even liv-"

"She doesn't even have a home!" A thick Irish accent yells from out the door

I only know six voices. Melissa, Harry, Zayn, Liam, and - Niall.  Six words. One in particular. Home. And I don't even have one.

"What?" I say shaking on the verge of tears.

"Everything will work out sweetheart." She says running over to me inbracing me in a hug. Melissa I swear, did you not just over hear I have no where to call my own. I don't have a clue what you are on about. But in someway that made me feel better. 

I know I am stronger than this. I just need to pick up my missing pieces. Recollect myself. Maybe I'm just blowing my problems into bigger ones. When I find my parents I'll just ask abo- Wait if I'm homeless why aren't I living with my parents? Wait bigger than that where are they?

"Where are my parents?" And now Melissa was crying hugging me tighter. She looked at me as a lost puppy. And right now

I was.

"Hunny I'm supposed to tell you details about you life in a slow easing way. But just seeing that boy yelled one for your more personal details out loud. I might as well tell you now-" She took a breath and the door  reavealed a man in his early fifties I'm guessing? He like he was at a mental war with himself. Once he spotted me his features softened.

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