Chapter 3

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Niall's Pov

"I assure you everything will be fine ok? My name is-" and with that she stabbed the girls leg. "Melissa" she finished.

    "Melissa?!?!" she just looks at me with confusion "You don't even warn her or me to just jab her with a shot!?!" 

      "Sir, I'm the nurse and I'm in charge at the moment, I simply put it in the shot to make her sleep that's all, the drug should do nothing else and p-" she calmly states but interrupt because I'm still in utter shock at what she just did.

     "What if sh-she has a condition where she can't can't, she can't... um". The ambulance stops and quickly the back doors open and take the gurney with the girls away. I try and go after her I need to make sure she is okay.

But the nurse Melissa put her hand on my chest to prevent me to go after her.

    "Honey you need to calm down okay we are the professionals here once we find out more information about her I'll keep you updated, for now please stay back, just breathe make a few phone calls and just be patient." She says sternly with a smile. At this point I have no words I closed my mouth and just nodded.

She smiled again and showed me to the waiting room. "Shit" I mutter under my breath. Realizing I still haven't called Simon and the rest of the boys... I guess Simon is first.

I dial Simon and just waiting to hear him yell at me.....

*ring....*ring..... "Niall always a pleasure how's everything?" wow he's in a well, happy mood. Maybe it's good I called now "Hi Uncle Si, um I don't know how you're going to really take this but, I hit a girl with my car."

First the line is silent then..."You hit someone with your car? Niall what the hell is wrong with you? This is going to be all over the tabloids!"  Well I spoke to soon about being happy... saying he was angry would be an understatement.

"It was an accident...." I speak quietly

"And that makes it bloody ok!?" he basically screamed. I could practically see his red square face and steam coming out of his ears.

“Did she know it was you driving the car? Is she suicidal? Christ, how do you expect me to get out of this one Niall?” Questions kept coming at me but didn't give me time to answer them “How bad are her injuries? She's not dead Is she? Are you alright?” 

My Blood was boiling, he wouldn't even give me a chance to explain. "Simon will you shut your trap for a minute and let me explain? I know this is bad but I don't care, I want to make sure she is ok! I don't expect you to get me out of anything, this was an accident she ran out of an ally as I was driving, I don't know anything about her at the moment okay? I'm sorry but I need to go." I hang up before he can scold me again for telling him off like that. 

It's been about 10 minutes since I called Simon and three hours since I've seen the girl... I'll call Liam, he's probably with the rest of the lads. *Ring -----*Ring ----- *Ring " Come on Liam, pick up already" *Ring   "Hello you've reached Liam -" "Goodness Liam I got into a c--"

"I'm currently unavailable right now sorry, leave a message after the beep" *beep*

"Okay well it's Niall and I accidently hit a girl with mr car and well.... im at hospital right now I'll call the oth-" *beep Great the voice machine cut me off just great the one person that probably would have act the most responsible and wouldn't scream their head off at me. Okay who's next on the list. Louis? No he's too protective of girls and he would just go ballistic. Harry? No once I say 'I hit the girl with my car'  he would have my head as well. Zayn? Yeah I can't tell what he would say. I would rather call him then others first I click his phone number and just wait for it to ring. 

*Ring- "Hey Nialler you good?" 

"Ugh Zayn are you with the others?" 

"Nah, but I was, they went out to rent 'The Ring' they wanted a Scary movie where are you buddy?"

"Oh I'm, erm actually at the hospital?" I said it as a question while my left hand was rubbing the back of my neck.

"What? Did you finally eat too much and blow up?" he said chuckling.

"No Zayn I hi-"

"Zayny we are homeeee" That was Louis I can tell that means the rest the boys are back at the flat as well.

"Lads come in here I'm on the phone with Niall I think somethings up, he said he was at the hospital Nialler I'm putting you on speaker!" 

"Oh yeah he called me a few minutes ago what happened?" Okay that was Liam obviously.

"Lads I hit ugh a girl with my car." I said softly, how else would I put it? 

"What!?!!?" all in unison of course. "Lads I have to go, come to the hospital closest to Grahame Park Way? Alright later" I saw Melissa walking over to me but I couldn't tell her expression her face was....solemn.

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