Chapter 5

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Samantha POV

Hold up. Did that seriously just come out of her mouth? My future. Is. I don't even know words can describe what I'm feeling. My future family just snatched away.... What... I... WHAT?

Warm salty liquid envaded my eyes just sputing out on to my cheeks. Tears came out, they wouldn't stop I couldn't let them stop. I couldn't hold it in any longer. 

My future was gone. I don't even remeber If I even wanted a family now that I think about it... I can't even remember what I had for dinner last night. Hell I don't even know what my own last name is!

"Wh-What? But no. No this is all a sick joke or terrible nightmare, no! I won't have it please tell me what's really going on. Please"  my voice shaky and barely audible when I talked.

"Sweets, I-I wish I could really I do." with that a tear escaped her eyes. Her pruney soft hand caressed my wrist trying to sooth me. Her wrinkled fingers dancing on my wrist, slowly caressing my skin in circles. The small gesture just made me even more upset. I want grow old like Melissa and do the gesture to a grandchild of mine maybe. Honestly If I never wanted children I had to stll want the option available.

"If it helps the young lad waiting out in the other room is paying for your bill and it's not a pretty one." she said with a small smile hoping that, that one gesture of kindness would lift some wait off my shoulders.

"Who is he?" I asked why was he being nice to me?

"His name is Niall... he hit you with the car. Um he seemed to care an awful lot about you. Matter of fact I need to tell him what your injurys are. I should go..." with that she stood up. Before she left my side I grabbed her hand and she looked at me in concern.

"Don't tell him about my-m-my issue about erm children...." I said becoming quiet she looked shocked but I think she understood why not without me going into detail. At least I hope she did.  I couldn't let him know that it's all to embarrasing. To humiliating. To hurtful. To-to much...

"Of course." she said sadly but forced a smile "I will call your hotel for you and I. umm... do you want to meet the lad?" her voice wasn't sure what I wanted and I just don't know how awkward that be for him in my presence. and well what am I supposed to say?

"Only if he wants to" I responded and with a nod she left my room. Once the door clicked close, the silent room became no longer silent, only hearing sobs escaping my mouth. Now it's just me and my thoughts.


Niall's POV

I saw Melissa walking over to me but I couldn't tell her expression her face was.... solemn.

"How is she? Is she awake?" I blurted

"Ok I think you might need to sit back down for this." she said

"umm yeah sure, okay" I said. Well I sound like the biggest idiot that ever took a step on this planet. Ok Horan just chill. ok. ok.... wait not ok. Why am I sitting down? But... oh dear lord did the girl die? Wait stop it! Just listen what she has to say.

"Ok hun so first of all she is awake.-"

"Thank god! I thought she died." 

"Well I assure you Mr. Horan she isn't" 

"Ok great! Now. "

"Hunny! Can I finish what I was saying?"

"oh right" I said both of us chuckled a little

"So the biggest thing is that she has Hematomas. And two broken ribs." She told me and i just gave here a What-the-hell-don't-you-see-I'm-blond-  kinda look. She just chuckled seeing my face.

 "Well Samantha has Subdural Hematomas, it is a condition that has an area in the brain bleeding. It contains these symptons: Worsening headache, Vomiting, Drowsiness and loss of consciousness, Dizziness, Confusion, and Pupils of unequal size. But don't worry it's not all that bad we caught the condition quick so we can heal it its just a matter of months. And she will be able to remember everything in a matter of time." she said

It took me a moment for all that  to process. I did that? All thoses symptoms just because of a car crash?

"What do you mean by: And she will be able to remember everything in a matter of time?" 

"Well she dosen't remeber anything besides her first name and that she was running late for an event and then a car crash." she said bluntly and a little uncomfortable.

Oh my god. I ruined a girl's laugh. I Niall James Horan ruined, a random girl off the street's life. What could have made her that uncautios in the streets? It must of been big. If I had stayed home for just 5 minutes earlier or so none of this would happen. Every little aspect on life is changed by one milesecond. Everything. Time is a slut, she screws everybody. Today was not her day.

With pure silence between us for about 3 mins I saw a group of lads running up to the receptionist.

"Have you seen a blond kid that is yay high" the curly one said pointing to his hip

"and has an Irish accent?" the one with a black quiff finished for him.

Do these idiots have to ruin everything?And we are in a hospital for crying outloud don't they have any manners? HEY wait .... I am not that short!

"Guys over here" I said just barely audible but they all scurried to me engulfing me each into a hug. I didn't want the boys seeing me cry. So I swallowed the lump in my throat and they stared at me as I stared at my shoes, just afraid of their reactions. I can't move I'm staying right here.

"Are you alright?" Liam said.

"I'm not the one, that question should direct to." I said in  a small voice looking at the ground and with that I took a seat and put elbows on my knees and hands over my face. "Ask her" I said pointing to Melissa.

She told them exacly what she told me. I felt disgusting I ruined a girl's life. Me myself and I ruined Samantha's life. 

Silence filled the air I looked up and saw Louis's eyes about to tear up Zayn completley in utter shock along with Liam and Harry just frowned.

"Well are we um going to see her?" Liam out of his trance and all of our eyes just stared at him, thought if we, well, mostly I should.

"I don't want to invade her privacy" I mumbled. Yes it was an excuse, but there was truth behind it. I mean if I was her I wouldn't want to see me either.

"Oh you won't be invading, she opened up her visitor hours she said only if you want to, you don't if you dont think it's the righ-"  Zayn cut Melissa off

" No we are going to talk to her. Cm'mon lads" and with that we shuffled or way to Samantha's room.

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