Chapter 14

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Sam's POV

This car ride is getting more awkward by the moment. The silence is actually hurting my ears. I think they just realized that I'm some girl they practically picked up off the streets. They don't even know me. Even though they know about as much about me, as I do but still. It's just weird, I don't think any normal person would take a girl home for them to live with. It feels like they should at least think of questions to ask me. I wonder why they were so persistent. We don't know each other. Maybe I could ask them some questions. It would at least break the silence. 

"How do you guys know each other?" That question has been on my mind this entire ordeal.  Like, really, how do five attractive guys know and live with each other?

"Work," Harry replies quickly. They must have to pay rent all together. Their budget has to be tight. Then again how could they have payed for everything? That hospital bill had to have cost a fortune.

"Whom do you work for?"

"The music industry," Liam replies. Interesting. 

"That's cool, what part?" I catch myself smiling. I'm the one starting a conversation! I can break this painful silence. The lads give each other nervous glances and stay silent. Can't they tell me what area they specify in? They don't work for the FBI or anything so what's wrong?

"Marketing!" Louis shouts. Strange...

"Um okay." I look out the window. Nothing looks familiar. At all, Shit. Where the hell are we? Should I even know where we are?

"Uh where are we going?" 

"First we are going to your hotel, to pick up your clothes. Next we're off to Casa del On- I mean us, Casa del us" Niall nervously smiles. Are they lying to me? About what? If it's not there house but someone else's I could honestly care less. It's probably the man, who was in my room a few days back. Now Ireally hope I'm not disrupting.

We stop at the front of the hotel; I grab my bag and the car handle. I get out and go to the front desk to ask about my room. They direct me to the elevators and lead me to the 2nd floor. 

"What are you doing Sam?" I say to myself, walking into the elevator. God, I'm such an idiot. How could I be so stupid? Why the hell did I say yes? I need to be focused on me. My future is at risk here, well what's left of it. I need a resume and experience for a job. How can the boys help me with that? What did I even want to be? 

"Ahhhhh!" screaming I punch the 3rd floor button. Sliding down the back wall, I crouch down and hold my head in between my knees. I need to breath. I feel the elevator take off; I bet the manager heard my scream. I need to relax.


Brushing myself off, I walk to my hotel room 304. Maybe if I get my things fast enough I can make a run for it. Stop it Sam! You made a promise!  I know. Sighing, I slide the room key in the slot. 

Beep beep

Once I open my door I see the bed made and my duffel bag in the corner. At least I think it's mine.... I pick up some shirts that are around the room and toss them into the duffel. All my clothes are various sizes: Small, Medium, and Extra-Large. Weird. Am I sure this is my room... and my clothes? Did people spend the night in here the same time I did? No, no that doesn't make sense. I walk over to the phone on the nightstand to call the front desk. Just as I'm about to call the front desk. My eyes see something that makes me want to crawl into a fetal position and just cry.

The leather back journal.

My dream was somewhat true.


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