Chapter 16

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Sam's POV

Have you ever been scared? Not the type of scared you are, from bad grades or yelling from your parents. The type of scared where you're first exposed to the world. When it's something you can't handle. Just finding out how hidden you are is something, comforting. I didn't know the level of opportunities that are out there was. You can be famous for something big or silly. A viral video, a funny blog. Then here come the big guns.

Celebrities. Actors, actresses, comedians, and pop stars. Then there are the life changing celebrities. They are people. Charity founders, firefighters, doctors, and teachers. 

I'm a student.

The ultimate student. I don't know if I had ever finished schooling, or where my GPA lies. I don't know how to drive and I don't know how to cook. I don't even know who I am. 

I have a name. I have a story, and I am going to live up to it. That is all I know.

First of all I don't know whether or not I should read the book. A.k.a my journal. Do I want to relive memories I don't remember, and understand my life. Or do I burn my past? It should be behind me. I should start fresh. I made acquaintances and as of this moment I do have a home. So do I start fresh or hold on to the past?

I'm curious. I want to burn these pages, but I can't help feel if I do, I'll regret it and I can't undo it. There are pieces to my life that are dangerous. Well it appears that way. So do I want to be cautious and safe, or do I want to be me? Original, and fresh.

Sadly, I'm too curious for my own likening. 

I read the first entry. I'm in a foster home. I'm seven and with my brother. Through out the passage I keep reminiscing how sad I am. I miss my family and such. I did have my brother to protect me then. What happened to him?

Next page I'm in a new facility.

It's been a long time since I wrote in here hasn't it? Well, I'm eight now, a whole year since I wrote in here! I was moved because they shut down the last orphanage. I don't know where I am or what this place is called. Justin isn't with me either. He wasn't adopted thankfully. It isn't that I don't want him adopted, it's just I don't want to be alone. I don't like it here.

He's next door, I actually talk to him every night before I sleep. Yeah! We made these cool soup-can walk-e-talkies! There is a long string connecting the cans that stretch over the ally in-between the buildings. Cool right? Yeah, anyways the kids here are really sad. Kinda mean too. This girl took my hair and used it like a paintbrush with red paint. It was really sticky, I tried washing it out in the sink but it's already dried. I'll have 'Miss' cut it off I guess. I'm getting sleepy, night diary.

It didn't give me much information but I kept reading. 

I'm alone. Yeah, no family left.

Diary, he left like a snap of my fingers! Gone! He was adopted. He's 15 tomorrow, we were going to celebrate but now we don't even have the tin cans to keep us together. I'll be nine in two weeks also. I thought he wasn't going to leave, I really didn't.

I'm sorry for crying, Justin told me to never let the big kids make me cry.

Thankfully he's not here.

He told me "I'll be back Sammy, I'll take care of you. I'll find you, and we'll live together in a house like mom's and dad's okay?" And I believed him. I hope he keeps his promise. I'll keep mine  "okay"

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