Chapter 8

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Samantha POV

Panting, sweating, crying and being cradled on an idoit’s lap is how I awoke. His touch on my shoulder caused me to flinch. I’m pretty sure he thinks I’m some dramatic spaz-tastic person now, that’s just great. Well here I am in the same hospital I was in yesterday, with the same five worried looks on five boys staring at me. There was an awkward silence that I absolutely couldn’t stand. I sighed and attempted to wiggle my way out of the guy’s death grip.

“Um do you need comforting?” I asked. I’m not really in the mood to be touched.

“Um no but you appeared to be needing it, by the way are you alright?” He seemed genuinely concerned.  But people aren’t always who they seem. 

 “Yeah I’m fine”  I snapped. Wow that was rude. Is that who I am? Better not be. I will now be working on that .

“Sorry I’m just a little shook up, that’s all thanks…” I quickly covered.

“Niall.” He added “Don’t worry, I can understand” He replied with a smile which I returned softly. I doubt he could actually understand.

I looked at the boys around us which Niall joined and them still staring at me. Honestly this was down right creepy. Every time I blinked or moved my hand they breathed deeper. I was like a fricken freak show or something. What they were thinking was probably along the lines of ‘And that’s where she blinked twice not once but twice! Oh the humanity!’. I'm just a human. That  probobly looks like she went to hell and back, but still I'm still a person.

“Um why don’t you take a picture it will last longer” I mumbled Scratching my arm uncomfortable.

“Oh sorry” The guy with the buzz cut replies

“Umm I thought you guys were coming tomorrow” I ask and they all chuckle…. I don’t get it…. Is there something on my face?

“ Love, it is tomorrow” Raven haired boy replies

“What? No that’s not even possible I went to sleep like an hour ago!”

“More like twenty five, Babe” the one with stripes replied. Did those two just call me love and babe? What is going on? Wow what if I am or what if I’m dating them both at the same time oh my god. I better not be some prostitute for these guys. This can not be happening.

“Who are you people?” I growl at them. I do not want them to touch me. Or even think about it. I scooch to my right top corner of the lumpy matress. They all exchange looks. Wow am I bi-polar? H

onestly my mood is bouncing off the walls here.“Woah ok, Um I’m Liam, this is Zayn, Harry, Louis, and you know Niall“ Pointing to each one of them.

Well this is kind of awkward. I didn’t really think this is the way they’d introduce themselves. I just stare at them. All of them are really confused, all exchanging looks of pure wonder. Why can’t I understand anything anymore? Like the way they talk funny. I don’t talk like that. Where are we? Holy crap what if they kidnapped me? Wait that doesn’t make any sense. I was being late to something and got hit by a car not being kidnapped to only be hit by my kidnapper. Why the hell would I even suggest that?

I was really deep in thought. This doesn’t exactly happen every day. Or does it? Wow. I’m utterly confusing myself, trying to figure out this… mess.

Louis coughed uncomfortably to get me out of this trance of mine. “Why did you call me that?” I looked at him

“What do you mean, Love?” Oh god he did it again.

“What you just said”

“You mean when I called you love?” I nodded slowly giving a slight pout. I was so lost.

“Yeah, you aren’t like my boyfriend or anything right? And also you too” I said pointing toward the dark boy. Niall gave a hearty laugh and the rest were chuckling shaking their heads. They were laughing at me, what did I say? Honestly it was a simple question, I slowly hugged my knees to my chest and rested my head on them. I’ve never felt so vulnerable in my life. It felt like they wanted to hurt me.

"I'm not like some prostitute or anything right?" As soon as I said that Niall spit out the water he was drinking. Oh god was it something I said?

“Oh no, no I’m sorry its just that, that’s what I call everybody. Actually everybody in England does that.” I mentally face-palmed. I feel really stupid at this point, just over-reacting... great

"Oh I'm sorry, I kinda got... yeah nevermind sorry," I admitted timidly

"Aw that's no problem. Sorry 'bout your nightmare anyways. You want to talk about it?" Liam replied. I think he's my favorite so far. He's speaking genuinly and it means a lot to me.

I smiled and shook my head and they just look at me. Again cue the awkwardness. I took this time to observe each of them. Plaid and buzzcut, along with chocolate eyes. Blondie over there. I looked at Louis he wore a white shirt. Zayn had a nice jaw line. Strangley I could see a bit better but eveything still looked like watercolors. The last one was Harry curly hair along with green viberant eyes. Something about him....

I scrunched my eyebrows and pointed to him. I turned my left pointing arm around a wiggled my figer back and forth indicating him to come closer. I knew him.... but from where? How? Who is he?

He didn't question it like the others, he simply walked forward and looked down on me. As soon as he bent down I grabbed his face in both my hands I continued to make different facial expressions on his face with my hands. The boys were snickering around us. I raised his eyebrows on him, caressing them with my thumbs. Next I squeezed his cheeks against his jaw making backward circles as I did so. And as on cue I poked his cheek as he smile showing his dimples.

"Should I know you?" My vocal chords vibrated. The boys around stopped snickering and had confused expressions I mean I would too if I just witnessed the momment I had with Harry. He grinned and nodded his head.

"I believe I know you as well" Thats when the boys went into hysterics. Yelling at him Things like "WHAT?"






Finally someone can tell me who I am. Memories will rush back. Family, Friends, everything will be back to normal. I will be working. I hope. Oh well anything to help me out of this hell hole. And this boy will help me retrieve my mind.

"Um boys I said 'I believe', Im not exactly sure still"  he replied

I actually felt my heart leap out of my chest suddenly I was finding it hard to breath. My passage ways closing to my lungs. I was hyperventalating, but they stared at me confused. Two ran out into the hallway and returned with Melissa. She pushed the boys out of the way grabbed a tube and steadily told me to breathe. It was all so surreal, now remembering what was currently taking place I was having a panic attack. Everything becoming dizzy around me I passed out in my hospital bed.

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