Chapter 7

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Niall's POV

We headed striaght into the car after our visit with Sam. She was well I dont even know how to explain her. She hugged me. She- she listened to me. She didn't exactly forgive me which I could understand, but after everything, one thought kept coming across my mind

and more than anything, she didn't even know us.

We were normal people in her eyes... not some celebrity, sex god boy band. I was just Niall James Horan. Dirty blond, 5'7, dippy nose, blue eyes, I was me. How I always wanted to be. Just treated normally. Not bullied, not hung up on someones wall, just a normal human being.

We weren't to be judged by our cover but only our content. We weren't books to be judged at least not to her. Not Zayn or Harry's looks can help him win her over but, My personality was the way I could gain her trust and friendship, but none the less, I want to keep her safe.

My thoughts were interupted by Louis


"What Lou?" I muttered

"Just wow" he breathed 

"What?" Now zayn and Liam spoke with me

"She just, like, I dont know, just" he stumbled on his words

"For bloody sake man! Spit it out!" Harry said annoyed

"She doesn't deserve this!" he yelled and the car fell stilent all their eyes glanced at me for a second and quickly looked back to their hands or the window. The rain pelting the car hard hearing every drop. The thunder clasped breaking the awkard silence now and then.

This was all my fault. Everything always is. I was the unwanted one in the band anyways... The guilt was already eating me away, of course I knew this was my fault but then again everything always is but I can't do much now. What is done is done. From here things can only get better and that is what I entend to do, make things better.

"I know" silently I spoke

" Niall, she just-" harry stated

"Is an angel that didn't deserve this! She-she didn't even complain about her injuries! SHE FUCKING CRIED SILENTLY! And and If thats not all She just wanted a hug thats, bloddy all! It's all my fault! She maybe never get her memory back and correct her eyesight and and thats not all she most likely has permanent brain damage. And I caused all of this, all of it" I yelled with my warm salty tears rolling down my face my lip quivering uncontrollable now and then. My voice boomed throughout the car, the lads were silent, knowing that every bitter sweet word I spat was true. I didn't even know where all that guilty anger came from, I had no idea I had that in me.

"Niall It could have been any of us, Its not exactly like you could not have hit her..." Zayn spoke

"But guess what? Oh wait I did! And it was me!"

"Niall, I think you just need to sleep on this, calm down, okay?" Liam spoke up

"But it's not ok!" It isn't, she did nothing I did everything this was not the time for me to calm down! "Don't tell me what to do!"

"Niall! Stop acting like a kid! Just sleep for awhile. Sometimes you just need to be given some ideal direction. We aren't controlling you. Sleep or not, write a song, just stop over-reacting. " Liam said with such seriousness in his voice. 

I didn't even have enough energy for re-buttle and start a war with them. I just gave in. It was probably for the best anyways. If the I was in their positions then I would act the same way. I stared back to out side watching the cars go by, trees go by. I wonder why Louis was acting so damn weird, he was going slower than the other cars but I guess thats normal but he would keep looking to his side checking the review and all the mirrors frantically. I furrowed my eye brows at this.

ForgotOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora